Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bright Starts Cute Critters Activity Jumper

Bright Starts Cute Critters Activity JumperAfter the smashing success we had with the Rainforest Jumperoo for my grandson, I was sold on the idea of a jumper, rather than something like an Exersaucer for my granddaughter. So, when my granddaughter (2.5 mos) started showing signs of boredom unless 'standing' and bouncing, or being constantly walked around, we decided to pick up a jumping apparatus for her.

I looked all over the internet for something that wasn't identical to the Jumperoo. Nothing really caught my eye, and living in a rural community, we decided to make the trek to the evil empire (Walmart) and found these for $65. They had jumperoos for $95 there, but we decided to get this because of the 5 height adjustments, rather than the 3 heights on the Jumperoo. And, the fact that this can be easily disassembled and transported in the car.

Overall, the quality seems fine, the piano will most likely come in handy in the future, and she's actually able to sit in it without 'drowning' in the seat. (The jumperoo's seat was much deeper.) The springs seem to be a little tighter than Jumperoo, which may or may not be a good thing. My only real issue with this, when compared to jumperoo is the quality and assortment of toys. Yes, we can hang her own 'stuff' on it, but there doesn't seem to be any real good spinny or pop-up devices to intrigue a child and hold their interest. If they release some toys we can mount, and include spinning or pop up features, I'll change my rating to a 5.

BTW, at 2.5 months, her feet are only about 3" off the ground on the lowest setting, which isn't bad at all. We raised it to the top setting and put a small footstool under so she could get a grip and start bouncing.

My daughter loves her Rainforest Jumperoo at her grandma's house; but we were looking for something slightly smaller for our home. This is only slightly smaller but still leaves a much smaller footprint than the Rainforest Jumperoo. She will go crazy in this thing for a while bouncing, jumping and playing with all the toys. It is very safe and sturdy so I do not feel scared at all leaving the room for a minute to get some stuff done. It also has very generous height settings too so she can definitely grow with it. It is a bit hard to turn in but I think as she gets older, bigger and stronger, she will not have much of a problem. She loves all the toys which seem really locked in there which is great. There are extra loops that I hang more toys/teethers from. I have it so tricked out that my husband is sure I am giving her ADHD. My only complaint is that the controls to the piano are underneath so it makes it hard to know if you have it off/on/which setting its on/the volume control. It was pretty easy to put together save for getting the seating pad into place. The tabs that hook it on do not seem to be in the right spots so it is a bit tough to line up and really get on there. She is now seven months and still having a ball in it.

Buy Bright Starts Cute Critters Activity Jumper Now

First I'll introduce myself... =) I'm 25 and a mom of 3 girls... I had sold all my baby stuff as we had decided we were done having kids and then we changed our mind and were blessed with our third daughter who is now 7 months old! =)

I had the original jumperoo for our second daughter and she loved it so when I saw this I NEEDED TO OWN IT! lol All the pink and toys and 360 spinning's awesome. I'm not sure why some people have commented on the seat not spinning well. My best friends daughter is 3 days older than my youngest but they are very different in size. Her little lady is in the 27th percentile for weight and height where as my sweet little lady is in the 97th for weight and height...both girls had NO problem spinning around. Yes, the one flower with the face on it does not bend but they made it this way so you could attach toys to it that they could chew on while they looked at its smiling little face. =) This is a great buy. I bought this when my little lady was 5 months old and it took her a little bit to figure out the jumping part but she adores this thing...

By far my favorite moment with this toy was when she found her face in the little mirror... =) It still makes me laugh. BONUS I don't know if it's the angle or what, but if ever my little girler is having trouble having a BM, a few minutes in this thing and she's good to go! LOL

All in all, this is a great buy, all my friends are jealous when they come and see it... =) Would make a GREAT baby shower gift as well. Whether it's on the register or not! =) You'll enjoy it.

Read Best Reviews of Bright Starts Cute Critters Activity Jumper Here

I purchased this for my nearly six month old daughter, who is pretty much in the 50 percentile for her height. At its lowest level, there is 10 inches between the bottom of the seat and the floor. With my daughter in it, her legs still dangle in the air a good 2-3" above the floor. The springs are very stiff and it just doesn't give much. By the time my daughter can use this, she'll be ready to start walking.

Waste of money.

Want Bright Starts Cute Critters Activity Jumper Discount?

My 5-month old loves this jumperoo! We added her old toys to all the rings (provided with jumper) and she loves reaching for them while playing with the "station" toys on the jumper. My only complaint is that one station has a flower and a leaf, and neither toy does anything. My daughter loves the color of that flower, and pulls on it a lot, but it doesn't make noises like the other stations do. Maybe Bright Starts could switch the location of the still flower with the one that twills, making all four stations exciting.

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