Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Earthentree Organic Dumbbell Rattle

Earthentree Dumbbell Rattle, RedThe ends of this rattle are the size of doorknobs, so even my huge-mouthed baby couldn't get his jaws around it to explore it with his mouth (the way he wants to "look" at everything). Also, the rings are only rounded (and painted) on the outside; the centers of the rings are unpainted and cylindrical rather than donut-shaped. Due to this non-toroidal configuration, the rings only slide up and down on the center post (they don't "tilt" against the post at all). This means the rattle has to be shaken in a specific direction in order to make any noise, while baby prefers to wave it around in random directions and thus gets bored with the lack of rattling.

The paint is varied in hue, which creates a lovely, attractive marble-like effect; the colors are also very bright and the finish is shiny. Mom loves the appearance, but baby (who has had this rattle from 6 months almost through 1 year of age) just doesn't see a use for it.

These toys are wonderful. I bought a bunch for my grandchildren who are 1 and 2 years old. They both enjoy playing with the toys and I love that they are playing with something that I know are safe. Earthentree makes a great classic toy that your children will be sure to love. I would highly recommend these for your children. They are certain to be some of their favorite toys and you can feel good about supporting a company that support artist who are making homemade toys. So many toys are made in mass with plastic and its absolutely wonderful to find classic, timeless, well crafted and nontoxic toys. Absolutely wonderful!

Buy Earthentree Organic Dumbbell Rattle Now

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