Thursday, August 29, 2013

Baby Einstein Monkey Hand Puppet

Baby Einstein Monkey Hand PuppetI purchased this puppet for my nephew who has Aspergers Syndrome. First, for almost $60 I was expecting more than a felt monkey that was delivered in a brown envelope. Second, let me say the look on his face when he opened it was priceless, he played with it all day and it didn't look any worse for wear at the end of the day. So, all in all a good purchase.

Being a grandmother, I was sucker enough to purchase this for my grandson. Therefore, I swallowed hard and coughed up the bucks to purchase this puppet. Wow, what a let down. It is very plain and doesn't appear to be made all that well. I have a hard time understanding why the puppet costs so much, and this was the LEAST expensive one I could find.

Buy Baby Einstein Monkey Hand Puppet Now

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