Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play PuppyThis little pup is a very awesome baby toy!! For $20 (or less--we got ours for free during a 2-1 Fisher Price special), he is very interactive and elaborate.

While he may not always have a light-up bone (as in Amazon's description) he counts, names body parts and colors, has funny sayings, and sings many songs (ENTIRE songs). He's funnier, more educational (and cuter) than "Tickle-Me-Elmo"--minus the annoying voice.

A few of folks have been rating him poorly because his songs cut off early. This is possibly a misunderstanding resulting from the pup not being taken out of "demo" mode. You have to pull a plastic tab out of his back in order for him to fully function (otherwise his songs cut short). Unfortuantely the directions are not clear on the box and the tab doesn't stand out so it is easy to mistake him for a "bad musical toy"... However, once he's out of demo mode the songs aren't just longer but more plentiful too. He (or she) has a nonstop sweet voice.

One more tip The "off" switch on this pup's foot does not always work and he easily can be turned back on by being touched (a naptime annoyance). He has a better shut-off switch (and volume control) on his back velcroed under his "skin."

All-in-all, this little pup is quite loveable. :)

We have this and Hug & Learn Baby Tad, and we prefer this puppy because it has a lot of variety. It has two modes learning and musical, which are selected by pressing the button on its foot. The other foot, both hands, an ear, tummy and nose play sounds or songs when pressed. The puppy identifies body parts, colors and sings fun songs. It is very colorful, has a flashing bone on his shirt and volume control through a velcro seam on its back. My young son finds it very easy to push the buttons. Some reviewers have said that the ear broke, but we have not had any such problem and we've used it every day for four months.

Buy Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy Now

I got this for my daughter about 3 months ago, it is still the toy she goes to first. None of her "old" toys get played with, but this one does. She grabs it when we are going bye bye. And even my dad will play with it with her. He refuses to play with any other toy that makes any kind of noise. So this toy is great for happy little kids and grumpy old men at the same time. I love how it plays the whole song, and not just half or stop in the middle where you have to push something else to continue it. It teaches, body parts, colors and songs. And it has cute little sayings/ You push his nose, and he says "nose" push it again, he says "red nose", push it again, he says "a choo" then on another level, he sings "itsy bitsy spider", says achoo" then "got my nose!" So far I have found no faults in this toy. It is educational and fun. I would recommend this toy to any child. And it was reasonably priced also.

Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy Here

In just a few days this has turned into my sons fav toy. At 6 months its just cute to see him become so attached to something. He has a blanket that he uses, but doesnt need it with him all the time. He only gets a nuk at bed time, so this is his first security thing i think. We bought this for our son and daughter, for what we thought would be a learning toy. That we would just put in the toy box at the end of the day. But now its Bryants puppy. Since he started to crawl he holds onto the puppys ears and crawls along with him its so cute :) We also found that when hes tired he loves to rub the puppy's ear agaisnt his face and it helps him fall alseep. He actualy hasnt used his nuk in 4 whole days now!

Besides being just so cute and soft this puppy is a great learning tool. There is just so much to do on this little guy! Abc's counting, music, lights and the names of body parts. At night or at nap times we have just been turing the switch off so the puppy doesnt start up while our little guy is sleeping.

Our daughter also enjoys the puppy. When she can get her hands on him she likes pushing his little bottons and hearing what he has to say. Or likes hear the music. All around i think Bry gives this puppy 5 stars so does mommy and daddy!

Want Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy Discount?

***Revised review***I could not adjust the rating, but would now give it 4 stars. Thanks to an email from another Amazon shopper, this toy was saved from the trash heap. I had not noticed the plastic tab that had to be pulled from the back of the toy to get it out of demo mode. Once that's removed, it works great. The quality of the sounds and songs are very pleasant and cheerful. Some of the pressure points are still difficult for my 11-month old to find and manipulate.

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