Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tiny Love Fruity Pals

Tiny Love Fruity Pals, Anna BananaWhen I purchased Ozzie, I had seen pictures of him, but I wasn't able to find a description that really explained all that Ozzie has to offer. So, in case you're wondering, I've included a description of Ozzie:

1. First of all, I thought he was going to be a small hanging toy. Ozzie is not small. In fact, I would say he's a medium to large sized hanging toy for a baby. He measures about 10 inches long (not including the hanging ring.) This was a pleasant surprise, because our baby is able to grasp and hold on to Ozzie's features.

2. Ozzie's body is a plush, orange sphere. His body is divided into quarters (like orange slices). The baby can separate the quarters to reveal a colorful interior of pink, blue, yellow, and green. The quarters do not separate completely, so you don't have to worry about losing pieces of the orange.

3. In the center of Ozzie's interior is a small orange ball with a happy face (kind of like a baby orange.) When you pull the ball, it causes the toy to vibrate. My son is 5 months old, and he is not coordinated enough to pull this ball himself. But, he is starting to make some sense of the cause-effect thing, so I pull the baby orange for him, and he laughs and waits for me to help him do it again. I do think that Ozzie can help with teaching the cause-effect relationship to small babies.

4. Each orange quarter is very slightly magnetized so that the slices fit back and hold together.

5. Ozzie has two arms that are stretchy. On the end of each arm is a purple "hand" made of a rubbery textured material that the baby can chew on. This is our son's favorite Ozzie-part right now.

6. Ozzie has two legs that are stretchy. Each leg has plastic rings around them, and the feet have mirrors on the bottoms.

7. A plastic ring is included for attaching Ozzie to a stroller, play gym, etc. The ring can be removed. It is definitely large enough to fit most (if not all) stroller bars and car seat bars.

8. There are some bells inside of Ozzie that produce a nice, light jingling noise. No loud music, no lights, just a simple jingle.

8. According to the instructions, Ozzie cannot be submerged in water, so he is not machine washable. However, I have washed Ozzie several times on the cold, gentle cycle in my washing machine. I hang him to dry, and he's come out perfectly fine. I would not put him in the dryer.

9. No batteries required. YAY!

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: We ordered Ozzie and Anna Banana at the same time. The Tiny Love Fruity Pals seem like really great toys for babies, and I would definitely recommend them. I especially like that these toys do not talk or light up. We like the toys with lights and sounds, but it's also nice to have some things that are a bit more quiet. Right now, our son is talking to Ozzie about something very interesting. :) He's found Ozzie's manufacturer's tag, and he's chewing on it. He's already chewed the hands and loves for me to pull the baby orange inside. He hasn't quite mastered separating the quarters himself, but he's starting to figure it out. I think this toy is very engaging and appropriate for a 4-5 month old. Additionally, Ozzie seems like a great toy to grow with our son for many months to come.

We bought this toy for our daughter three years ago and she loved it. It endured incredibly well, being her favorite "going out" toy. Now our son is using it for the same purpose and the toy is just as beloved.

It requires no batteries but it is recommended surface wash only. We've washed it in the machine and it's come out fine. It has lots of chewable spots, is soft, has a pull-tab "baby" inside and keeps little ones busy in several ways.

We call ours "Mister Pumpkin," since it looks more like a pumpkin than an orange. Mister Pumpkin has been through a lot and looks pretty darn good. This is a great investment and will be loved and used by your little ones for years.

Buy Tiny Love Fruity Pals Now

We found this banana while looking for car seat/stroller toys. My Niece and I were looking at it and showing it to my 5 month old son. We decided to put it back and look around some more. As soon as it left his vision my baby started crying. It's the first time he's "asked" for a toy. So I bought it. I expected him to lose interest quickly, but he hasn't. We take it everywhere. He loves the crinkly peel and the chewy hands. He hasn't discovered the little mirrors on the feet yet, but i have no doubt he will love those too. So far it's been a great buy.

Read Best Reviews of Tiny Love Fruity Pals Here

I got this toy for my 4 month old (she actually reached for it on the rack and started chewing on it in the store) and she just loves it. I keep it attatched to her carseat and it keeps her from fussing while I drive. I would definitely recommend this toy, it's a great value and does tons of things. My daughter especially loves the crinkly "peel" and all the chewable parts.

Want Tiny Love Fruity Pals Discount?

My 8 month old has loved this toy banana since she was 4 months old! It has everything imaginable in it. It has mirrors, crunchy parts, velcro peelings, bounce and squeak, etc. You won't be disappointed!

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