Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fisher-Price Amazing Animals Rollin' Around Jungle Playground

Fisher-Price Amazing Animals Rollin' Around Jungle PlaygroundMy then 5-month old received this as a gift and was drawn to its appealing visual qualities. The tree and the animals are really really cute. Unfortunately it is not possible to roll the animals down the ramp without constantly nudging them as they get stuck along the curves, and they more often than not flip themselves over so they're not even rolling on their rollers. The track/ramp is either too narrow, or the animals are too wide, to roll freely. It is very hard to believe this toy was tested before being marketed because it NEVER works.

There is a hole in the center of the tree trunk that you can put the animals into, and they fall down thru the center of the trunk and come out near the "merry-go-round" (purple, in the image). This is nothing more than a chute -no ramp or slide inside the trunk. You're just dropping the animals, THUD. They could have at least put a little slide in there so the animals really come out with some pizzazz.

The animals are also designed too large to work as suggested inside the merry-go-round and the "teeter-totter".

There used to be another review that seems to have been removed, and it said that their baby pulled this toy over on himself because it's not sturdy enough. I too have had this experience. The baby always wants to reach the little red bird on the top, but while baby is seated, he really has to reach and sort of yank to get what he wants, and then the whole unit comes tumbling over to the fright of the child.

It's really a shame because it seems like there is a good idea here for a toy but it's executed so poorly on just about every front. At least the animals are cute and the music is good. Not recommended, overall, though.

I have 5 boys so I know some thing about toys and quality. I bought this for my son, who is now 1, when he was 3 months old (how do you explain to your 5 year old why Santa didn't bring the new baby any toys when he never does anything bad?) Anyway, I thought it was cute, there was music but no lights, which I like. However, the animals do not always go down the track. They often get stuck just before the monkey. It also falls over easy when pulled up on...a typical thing that will happen at this age and FP should know to plan for. The yellow teeter-totter is just a storage spot, he doesn't play with it. Sometimes he will spin the purple merry-go-round but it's rare.

What he seems to like is the animals by themselves. He likes to hold them upside down and spin their bellies. He will roll them on the floor but they don't roll the best. He also loves the red bird and spinning the barrel. That's about it. If I could return it and just buy the animals, I would.

Overall, FP could and should do better with some of their toys.

Buy Fisher-Price Amazing Animals Rollin' Around Jungle Playground Now

We bought this with high hopes...

Like other viewers have pointed out, the animals get stuck going down the slide. They don't fit in the merry-go-round or the see-saw thing and they don't stay up-right very well. The toy is super cute but my daughter loses interest quickly and it is taking up coveted nursery real estate. Bottom line, I don't recommend it.

Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price Amazing Animals Rollin' Around Jungle Playground Here

My son got this when he was 6 months old and it basically sat around the house collecting dust until he got to be about 11 months old. The first day we had it he loved the spinner that makes music play and he loved trying to eat the hanging monkey, after that he didn't may any attention to it at all. He played with the animals, basically just chewing on them. It's really cute, but like another reviewer said the animals always get stuck going down the slide, the hole in the tree is really unimpressive, and the animals don't fit right in the merry go round or see saw. My son loves this thing now though, he loves sliding the animals that come with it and other toys like balls and cars down the ramp. I have to give this a 4 star rating because this kid loves it and when I'm looking to buy a toy that's what I want to know, will my kid have fun playing with it? Yes? Then we're good. My opinion of the toy isn't as important as if my son is enjoying playing with it, as long as it's safe and not obnoxious, that is.

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A cousin gave this toy to our baby for Christmas. I only recently got it out of the box and assembled it because I felt like our baby was just now old enough to enjoy it (she is 9 months). It does hold her attention for a little while, and the music is not as obnoxious as a lot of other toys. She likes to pull up on it, and she learned very quickly how to make the animals (along with all her other toys) go down the's always exciting to watch her learn new things, and understand cause and effect, so I can appreciate that aspect of the toy.

I don't feel like it's the sturdiest thing, but so far she hasn't fallen when she's pulled up on it. The animals do get stuck on the slide sometimes, but I figured that was because my baby is just learning the function of the toys on the slide, and doesn't always put them on their "belly" (where the roller part is). The parrot is very easy to pull off the top, and has this long, thin hard plastic piece that seems like sort of a safety hazard to me, like it could jab her in the eye or back of the throat, so I usually keep it out of her reach when I see her pull it off. I agree with others that the merry-go-round and seesaw are pointless. I wish they did work because the toy desperately needs some other features than just the slide.

Once I put the toy together, I thought to myself, "This is fine since it was given to us as a gift, but I wouldn't want to spend my own money on it," and that was even before I saw the price listed here. I would say you could definitely find better toys to spend this amount of money on.

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