Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sassy Developmental Wonder Wheel Suction Toy

Sassy Developmental Wonder Wheel Suction ToyThis is a fun and bright toy that has great suction! I have had this toy for about 2 months (my son is 6 months now) and he has enjoyed this toy since we got it. He finds new aspects to the toy every week. At first, he liked that if he hit it, it would spin. Then the next week he noticed the rings on the bottom, and the next week he noticed the small spinning boxes on the inside. It seems to excite him when he gets in his high chair! Best part is that is has great suction!

I love this toy! Entertains baby in highchair better than any toy I have purchased so far. Easy to spin and continuously spins for awhile. The rattle sounds also entertains my baby. Great toy!

Buy Sassy Developmental Wonder Wheel Suction Toy Now

This is a great toy and my daughter loves it...HOWEVER, the reason I purchased this over other similar toys was because of all the reviews that stated how this toy had good suction, unlike others like it; and other similar toys all had bad reviews about the poor suction. We didn't have such luck; the suction is horrible and it does not stick, even when wet.

Read Best Reviews of Sassy Developmental Wonder Wheel Suction Toy Here

Toys can be so dependent on your child's preference so reading reviews that say 'my child loves this' always makes me wonder. However what I think is fantastic about this toy is that it is a wheel and makes a soft swooshing noise when it turns so it really grabs my childs attention and she loves it. It generally always sticks too, however if its having trouble I put a drop of water on the bottom and then attach it and it will stick. Places that she really enjoys playing with it is at her highchair and on the floor. It was also brilliant when we went on a holiday the other weekend and we stuck it to the restaurant table where she had her highchair and she enjoyed it for ages!

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My child is only 4 months old but so far this toy keeps her interested while in her high chair. Now that she can reach the toy when I push her seat forward she likes to spin it and then stop it. This has really come in handy after she has eaten her meal but the rest of the family is still at the table eating. It gives her something to do at this time. It has the perfect blend of bright colors and a rattling sound without being annoying to everyone. Also, I didn't know this when I purchased it but on the packaging it said it is made without any paint that could chip off so I was really happy about that. I would recommend this toy if you don't want to buy a bunch of different things but just want a go-to high chair toy that will keep baby interested.

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