Thursday, May 15, 2014


ABC HOUSE SMALLMy 1-year old daughter loves to play with the blocks. She clicks them together to make noise, knocks down my towers, and tries to stack one on top or remove just one block. She giggles when they fall and I pretend to be upset that my tower has fallen. I can see her concentrating when trying to grab just the top block, and then laughing when she knocks the whole thing down.

The nice thing is that this is a toy that can grow with her. She obviously can't tell letters yet, but knows some objects (like kitty-cat and butterfly) by their photos.

On the bad side: The house the blocks stay in is flimsy and not well sanded; the plastic shields that hold the blocks in place slide out easily and do not have very smooth edges; it's messy because the blocks go everywhere (but what house with kids doesn't have toys hiding under the couch anyway).

Overall great developmental toy that can grow with her developing mind.

First let me say that my son does enjoy playing with these blocks. However, this is a nightmare toy for me and I used to keep it out of his reach most of the time (until I recently just got rid of it all together).

* Blocks would just end up all over the place and my son did not have the patience to sit there and put them each in their little compartments (so I ended up cleaning them up every time). Granted, it was a good skill builder for him to help me put them away, but I ended up doing most of the work still.

* The tower is double sided, so just when you get one side filled up with blocks my son would try to turn it over to do the other side and they would all fall out.

* The tower does have little plastic sheets that slide in (very loosely I must say) to keep the blocks from falling out. However there is no way to keep that plastic from sliding out, which it constantly would. You could not carry this thing around with it's cute little handle because the plastic would easily slide off the track and all the blocks would come tumbling out (leaving a very frustrated child).

Overall: not worth the hassle. Now we just have a collection of wooden blocks that we keep in a big bucket.


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