Wednesday, May 7, 2014

B. Alphaberry - Sea

B. Alphaberry - SeaIf I hadn't been present for this, I wouldn't believe it, so I won't blame you readers out there if you don't. This toy taught my 22 month old the entire alphabet. Seriously. My husband and I had her in the tub tonight and we were reading bath books and she pointed to a letter K and said "K"thus far the only letter we have taught her is S, so my husband and I looked at each other like "we must be hearing things"then she went on to name every other letter in the words "THANK YOU" written in one of her books. Upon seeing how amazed my husband and I were by this, she gleefully went on to name every other letter in the book, which was more or less all of them. We were perplexed, and had to really stop and thinkwhere the heck did she learn all this? I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I'm with her more or less 24/7, and we finally realized it was the Alphaberry! She's had it since she was 11 or 12 months old and we never thought much over her smashing the buttons on it, but we always gave it to her in the car. Turns out all that button smashing was in fact soaking in, BIG TIME. I'm curious if any other parents out there have had similar experiences with this toy, but I, for one, am flabbergasted. I've never been a big believer in the teaching power of electronic toys, but this one is definitely making me think twice. I think it works because it is so simple. They push a letter key, the letter appears in the circle, and the toy says the letter aloud. That's it, and I think the repetition at that level was just right to teach my daughter all her letterswho knew?! Amazing.

We gave our 13 month old an alphaberry for Christmas, mainly because she couldn't keep her hands off the tv remote and we hoped this would be a good substitute! (It isn't.) She loved it from the start, and quickly figured out which button plays music so that she could dance with it.

We hoped that over time it would help to familiarize her with the alphabet, but NEVER did we expect it to teach her the whole alphabet. Six months after she got the toy, she started pointing at signs and shouting out letters when we'd take her shopping. We decided to "test" her at home by simply writing the alphabet on a piece of paper and she would and does name every letter as it's written. Since nineteen months old! The double-takes we get from strangers when she calls out letters in public are priceless. She is 23 months old now, and starting to recognize words in her favorite books.

The only problem is that this toy only covers uppercase letters. Maybe B Toys can come up with a software upgrade...

If you're looking to buy one, here's how it works. When you push one of the letters, it says the letter aloud in a clear child's voice and also displays it on the screen. The large button to the left of the screen plays four different versions of the alphabet song I believe two singing, two just instrumental. The screen also displays the appropriate letters as the song plays. There is an on/off switch and a volume control (which I feel would be better if it weren't so easy for little hands to control because it can get quite speaker-bustingly loud, but that's me). I didn't know until I read another review today that you can change the color on the display by turning the "handles" on the sides of the thing, but you can!

HIGHLY Recommended!

Buy B. Alphaberry - Sea Now

I have bought many different toys the last couple years. They all seem to be about the same as far as innovation, but this toy and brand really stand out. I bought mine at target for quite a bit less than here. This would be a great gift for older infants and toddlers. Each letter of the alphabet plays a different tune (not sure how many songs are included, but it's certainly nicer than other toys as far as the music it plays) and it sings the alphabet song while flashing the letters on the small screen. There is a neat volume control and the things that look like buttons on the side are actually a big dial that changes the display color from blue to red to orange. If you are remotely interested in this product I say buy it. I noticed on the display several other stand out products. They sell a set of keys (same brand) that are really neat and their version of the cell phone is much nicer than the couple I have purchased. This toy company is doing it right. I have only had this toy one night so I can't make comment about its durability, but every part seems solid.

Read Best Reviews of B. Alphaberry - Sea Here

This toy is fantastic. My daughter is 11 months and needed something more interactive. I am reluctant to get her electronic toys but thought this was worth a shot. She loves it! She quickly figured out which key plays songs, took her a little while longer to figure out to stop pushing it so the song would play all the way. It's been fun for me to see her learning to use the toy. The songs it plays (4, I think) are sweet and not annoying. It has a volume switch and an on/off switch (which I don't use as she'd be too disappointed to try to play the music and have it not play).

Want B. Alphaberry - Sea Discount?

We were about to go on our first long road trip last weekend, and I wanted to get our son a new toy to hopefully help with the long ride. I picked up two toys by this brand and chose this one because of the age range (we all want to get more use for the money, right?). We also didn't have any other toys with letters other than the Zaney Zoo Wooden Activity Cube (same brand as this). Our son is 14 months old and is absolutely enamored by this toy. It kept him occupied for nearly 3 hours, and I thought he would surely be sick of it after that, but no! Every time he sees it, he wants to play with it.

He has already thrown it on the ground and other than some scratches, which are to be expected, everything still works like new.

My 8-year-old niece saw the toy and thought it was neat as well. She even recognized it as a Blackberry-esque toy.

A+ for this toy. (And thank you, B. Toys for the subdued volume level. My ears -and my son's ears -thank you!)

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