Friday, May 30, 2014

IQ Baby Zoom Zoom Vehicles

IQ Baby Zoom Zoom VehiclesMy daughter really likes these cars and I plan to give them as a gift in the future because of our experience with them. She loves opening all the different flaps and pockets. I originally introduced them at 6 mo, which was too young for her to really enjoy them. But now that she is close to one year, she "drives" them on the floor and makes "vroom vroom" noises. They are something she looks for in the toy bin and I would put them in the "favorite toy" category. You can't really tell from the picture, but the colors are bright and the wheels are plastic and move easily. The only thing I wish I could change is that they aren't machine washable.

My son started playing with these at about 6 months. He still plays with them everyday at almost a year. I think they are really cool, I love the colors and the flaps on them. I'm also a big fan of cloth toys. I would highly recommend them to anyone with a kid (baby to toddler) that likes cars.


Buy IQ Baby Zoom Zoom Vehicles Now

My eight month old grandson loves his IQ Baby Zoom Zoom Vehicles. The six vehicles are colorful, having enough flaps and windows behind which colorful people and animals are hidden to keep him entertained for extended periods of time. The textures of the fabrics used in constructing these vehicles vary from shiney, smooth satin to corduroy-type finishes. The vehicles are sufficiently large so that he can grasp them even though his fine motor-skills are not fully developed.

We can actually get all six vehicles stacked, if we are quick, so that he can knock down the tower. This is one of his favorite things to do and results in smiles and laughter.

The finish work on these vehicles is well done. There are no rough seams or raw edges showing. The plastic wheels on all six vehicles have smooth edges; that is a real plus since those wheels are a favorite teething chew.

If you have a little one, he or she might enjoy these colorful, multi-functional vehicles.

Read Best Reviews of IQ Baby Zoom Zoom Vehicles Here

This held my child's interest for a whopping 2 minutes, and he refused to play with it any longer. Really, it's a bunch of soft cars that don't roll, are difficult to push and don't stay stacked. Don't waste your money.

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These little cars are so darn adorable. They seemed a bit expensive to me, but once they arrived, the detail was so lovely, I think they are worth the price. I just wish my son loved them as much as I did, but he's only 7-months old, so hopefully he'll grow into them. For now, I enjoy playing with them, lifting the flaps, and vroooming all around.

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