Saturday, July 12, 2014

Giimmo Magic Light

Giimmo Lemon the RabbitI bought this for our son when he was two (now 4), when we put him in a "big boy bed". He was very excited when we got it. He loved hitting it on the head to make it turn on and off. The colors transitioned as they were suppose to. I was dissapointed in the product though.

1) It is very hard. I was expecting a softer product. It almost feels like porcelin.

2)You have to hit it VERY hard and it hurts a grown ups hand

3)It is way too bright! Not a soft sleeping light. It is very bright and almost over stimulating.

4)If not plugged in and left with the child all night the battery dies around 3 or 4 am. It stays on red for a while and then dies. I was woken up several times when this started happening

5)After the first week the fuz on the arms was completely gone and peeling from the other places (legs, ears. ect.)My kids are generally very gentle on their toys, don't chew on things,ect. so I was very surprised

I did write the seller and they sent a new one and said we could keep the "deffective" one.

The new one we keep plugged in on a shelf so it stays on all night. We tapp the feet on the shelf to avoid smacking it with out hands.

Over all, for a child's night light which advertises it can be taken to bed with them I was expecting something more kid friendly. I should be softer, more durable, have a battery that lasts through the night, and should be dimmer for better sleeping.

So cute and fun for my daughter to play with before bed. It charges up with the included cord and the charge lasts for weeks with the our use. It has a small switch on the bottom to keep it from turning on randomly. It is motion sensitive so little bumps turn it on. The light is bright enough to use as night light but soft enough to not keep her awake. The colors change as well which is fun.

Buy Giimmo Magic Light Now

This is super cute but I wish I would have looked at how small this was. It is also a very hard toy. The lights are cool but not cool enough for the money I spent on it.. Also, I received the produce 2 days late and I had amazon prime.. DEF cancelled that, not worth it.

Read Best Reviews of Giimmo Magic Light Here

I purchased this for my nephew's birthday and he loves it. Brings it to our house as a nightlight when he sleeps over, it's great. It holds charge for about 1 night so don't forget the adapter when you travel.

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