Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sassy Rock and Roll Ring Stacker Toy

Sassy Rock and Roll Ring Stacker ToyI was a little hesitant to buy this toy after reading some reviews that there were "sharp" edges on this. Or that it is made of "cheap" plastic. When it arrived, I checked it out right away and the edges are all smooth. As for it being made of cheap plastic.... I would rather have BPA free plastic than poisonous heavy duty plastic? For $10 I'm not sure how heavy duty we're expecting this toy to be. My 6 month old loves chewing on the rings, and rolling around on the floor with this. I am so glad I went ahead and got this.

We bought this for our daughter for Christmas and she loves it. Very colorful and the rings are different shapes and colors. She loves to shake the hell out of the ball on top which is filled with beads. Only problem was that the item is different than the one pictured.

Buy Sassy Rock and Roll Ring Stacker Toy Now

We purchased this stacker as opposed to the FP stacker because the prices were different at the time, and this one was cheaper. Oops. The FP stacker, in my experience, is easier for babies to use. My two-year-old still has difficulty getting one of the rings off the post with this one. It is our pink ring, though I would imagine that due to poor quality control people might have issues with other rings on their sets. I need to remove the ring for him when he is playing with the stacker with his baby brother, otherwise he gets very mad at his inability to do something he knows he SHOULD be able to do. I can't even remove the ring without using both hands. Aggravating, considering this is a product that is supposed to be for babies with next to no coordination. I say buy the FP one, which seems to have better quality control. Unless the info I discuss below regarding rod diameter is important for you.

Somre reviews comment on the cool balls in the top ring. Yes, this is the most popular ring in the set. However, I believe other brands have this feature as well, if this is a selling point for you.

Other reviewers have complained that the rod is the same diameter all the way down, unlike other stackers which have a graduated taper. The complain being that kids "don't learn how to put things in the proper order, defeating the purpose of a stacking toy." I can't say I agree with this assessment. My son does enjoy putting the rings in various orders. Why not? He will learn "correct" order eventually. I think this allows for creative play. For example, as described under the product description proceeded by Amazon, you can stack the rings in reverse order and the roll it across e floor. My baby has officially declared this to be "cool."

Overall I would say this is a two star product in quality. It is tempting to give a third star for effort, but I will stick with my toddler's assessment on this one. Maybe some other folks will have better luck with ring diameter being consistent and won't have a frustrated two year old to deal with.

Read Best Reviews of Sassy Rock and Roll Ring Stacker Toy Here

I had the Fisher Price version for my older two kids and thought that Sassy is usually fine so ordered this for baby's first Christmas. Well it's going off to the charity bin. Thankfully a friend had sent baby the Fisher Price version for Christmas too so we have a decent ring-stack toy. Skip this and buy a decent one. It looks fine in the picture but is very light-weight.

Want Sassy Rock and Roll Ring Stacker Toy Discount?

I bought this stacker toy as a xmas gift for my 8 month old daughter, Violet. I know this item is inexpensive but when it arrived, I was surprised by the cheap quality of the rings. They are made of very hard, cheap plastic. I am hoping that my daughter loves this toy regardless. Decent product for a low pricejust don't expect great quality.

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