Friday, July 18, 2014

VTech Infant Learning Light-up Learning Camera

VTech Infant Learning Light-up Learning CameraThis toy camera was a gift, and as it looked pretty cool, we decided to save it for a big car trip that we were taking our 9 month old daughter on. She was delighted when we gave the camera to her, and played with it for hours. We decided to leave this toy in the car, as we like for her to be entertained while we are on the road. She absolutely adores this camera. And one of the best things about it is the variety of songs and sounds it has. My wife and I find ourselves singing those goofy songs from time to time. Recently, we lost this camera, and we are currently ordering another one. When you consider how much some toys are and how monotonous and repetitious sounding they are, this camera is a no-brainer.

My son received this as a Christmas gift this last year, he was just 1 at the time. He loved it then, my three year old loved it then too! There are different options and it flips open. The kids think it's hilarious to "take" pictures. They had fun pretending with this camera the entire two weeks we were on the mainland driving between WI and MI and then at all their grandparents house. It's small and compact which is great for traveling. We now keep this toy in the car, which is often parked in year-round heat (living in Hawaii). It has held up wonderfully being dropped (or thrown) out of the car door and my kids still, at almost 2 and 4 love this camera and have just as much fun with it as they did when it was opened. I would recommend this, and even buy it again!

Buy VTech Infant Learning Light-up Learning Camera Now

We gave my 3 year old a real camera and for my 18 months one we got this, when you push the green button sounds like real click.

Read Best Reviews of VTech Infant Learning Light-up Learning Camera Here

I should admit up front that I haven't liked any of the v tech toys my son has received. I feel like they are too busy, with too many noises and lights which seem unrelated to the skills they claim to be teaching, and that these attention-getters hypnotize instead of stimulate learning. That said, this one was the worst. I did give it 2 stars because the picture screen does show little moving "pictures" which is cute... if you can get it to work. The green ring around the "lens" is super-sensitive and the unbearably obnoxious little 1-6 counting song it plays will over-ride all other functions. No matter what my son tried to get the camera to do, he invariably would bump that knob and the screen would default to that awful song. This toy got "lost" really quick. I'm sure there are better camera toys on the market. Skip this one unless you enjoy having two line songs stuck in your head all day.

Want VTech Infant Learning Light-up Learning Camera Discount?

I purchased this camera for my one year old granddaughter because she always wanted to grab her moms camera and try and take her picture. It was a huge hit with her! I do wish it was a bit smaller in size because it is clumsy for her. She will grow into it which is a plus.

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