Sunday, August 17, 2014

Levels Of Discovery Stack Buddies Storage Unit Multi-Color

Levels Of Discovery Stack Buddies Storage Unit Multi-ColorThis looks smaller than the toy boxes but it's definetly better to get rid of the clutter and help your little one find his toys. You can categorize the toys and find them easier later. They get lost in toy chests, especially the little toys. My daughter's room is pretty small and I use it as a guest room too, I stacked them up when I need to open the sofa bed. It's also very good quality construction and stain. Very durable to every kind of toddler abuse!

I don't really think this is worth the $80 I spent on it. It chips and dents easily and the feet fall off the front exposing sharp pins. It is difficult to put the feet back on the front of the boxes without them coming loose again so I now leave them off so my kids don't poke themselves. It looks odd without the feet on the lion but it will have to look that way for safety reasons. If it was half the price I wouldn't recommend it either. It is cute to look at but that's about it. It doesn't hold much (we have little people cars in it and not much else.) It was cute for a short time, but not practical and not worth the price tag placed on it.

Buy Levels Of Discovery Stack Buddies Storage Unit Multi-Color Now

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