Saturday, July 13, 2013

VTech - Grow And Discover Music Studio

VTech - Grow And Discover Music StudioThere are a few reasons why I didn't give this 5 stars:

The voice that speaks/sings sounds like someone recorded it on a home-video. It doesn't sound like a "toy voice". Some phrases are hard to make out.

The main reason I got this was for the microphone, since our 9-month old LOVES to babble into it and hear her voice. The volume is very low on it.

I feel like the 2 volume levels to choose from are "loud" and "extra loud".

I was under the impression that she could use this while standing, but it's so short, she can only sit down and use it.

What I like about this is:

It doesn't play the same songs over and over.

My daughter loves turning the page of the book and moving the pick on the guitar.

The guitar and other piece (is it a tambourine? Become detached so she can play with them separately.

I feel like it is sturdy. She has leaned on it multiple times and it didn't fall or seem like it was going to tip over.

It keeps her interested for the most part. When she crawls away from it, it says "Come and play with me". Which keeps her busy for longer, but if she doesn't go back, it keeps repeating.

I do not find this device cheaply made. Yes if my baby stands up and pushes on guitar or drums it will fall off. The point is the they are supposed to be removed and used as an instrument.

Bottom line my baby goes to this musical device quite often. At 9 months it is one of his favorite toys. We buy nothing that will not last him from 9 months to 2-3 years. I think this toy will be used quite often for months ( years) to come. Good value.

Buy VTech - Grow And Discover Music Studio Now

This is a great gift for a little one. Once they start sitting up, they can start enjoying playing with it. I bought one of these for my own grandson and then sent one to my sister's grandson. Both children love it, and will enjoy it for quite some time!

Read Best Reviews of VTech - Grow And Discover Music Studio Here

My son loves this toy and has enjoyed playing with it since he was 8 months old through toddler years.

The bumbo seat is the perfect height to sit your child in front of this when they need assistance sitting at a younger age as well.

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As a bit of background, I've been singing my entire life, I can play multiple musical instruments, and I love all kinds of music--well almost all kinds!

I was so excited for my son to get this to help get him started with music. He likes that he can push buttons and it makes noises in response, and he likes flipping the plastic pages of the book, but that's about it. The microphone does mildly work, but you have to put your mouth right on it to, and the toy itself will play music and sounds right over you as you speak or sing into the microphone, so you really can't hear yourself--taking away all the fun of the microphone.

The piano keys are nice, but the removable instruments aren't that fun when removed from the keyboard. They offer very little when attached to the keyboard as well.

Now the worst part about this: The voice and the lyricsAWFUL. The voice is a lady's voice and it just isn't good. I can't imagine they had people audition for this vocal part--it's a bit flat in parts, and it's hard to describe just why the tone of the singing is unappealing, but it really is unpleasant. Definitely not geared toward kids. The lyrics are pretty bad too--they rhyme the word "piano" with "so simple" in the lyric "Play guitar and piano, make music--so simple."

The sound quality is bad too. I don't expect it to sound like Bose speakers, but I have several toys by other brands, and it seems to me that the two 3 Vtech toys we have (all were gifts) all have the same poor sound quality--almost like crackly speakers. It's a deficiency that is hard to describe in words, but it makes the toys quite grating on the nerves after a while.

Overall, there has to be a better way to introduce a child to music and various musical instruments. We have an actual piano in our home, so our son gets exposed to that, but I am going to go on the hunt for a toy with a working microphone and decent sound quality because this toy is a flop.

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