Friday, November 15, 2013

Oscar the Greedy Crab

Oscar the Greedy CrabReally cute toy. My son loves the red crab on his bumper. But I no longer want to keep this thick bumper in his crib since he's moving and rolling all over the place. So I figured to look for a crab that is similar to the one he loves so much to look at and babble to. Oscar is as close as it gets. He's red with orange...perfect match. Yet, he is on the small side. He is expensive with a price tag of $14.00 plus $3.00 shipping! He also only has a toad/frog in his mouth and not a fly too. He looks like he is durable. His rattle makes a pleasant sound...that it even attracted our cat as we were pulling him out of the shipping box. I've looked around for a cheaper price but amazon had the best deal. I'm keeping him b/c our little likes him and Oscar's little legs are great for a teething baby!

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