Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Careplay Ride-On Play Critter

Careplay Ride-On Play Puppy Critter, PurpleI got this toy for my 11 month old daugther to help improve her walking. She will not sit in her walker so I thought this would be more fun for her. She did learn fast how to push herself in it (it took her a few days) she likes to push it more than ride it, but it goes to fast for her to push it alone so I have to hold her hand. I looked for a lot of walking/riding toys and most seemed flimzy or not study enough, but this riding toy is pretty sturdy. It's kind of a low to the ground toy. My daugther just turned one and she's already getting too tall for it (her feet drag when she tries to push it, but she is a little taller than average).

We got this for our 15 month old son this past Christmas. I wanted a push/ride toy for him to have on our patio outside since we don't have a yard and we live in a small apartment. I wanted one that wouldn't get water inside all the parts and that would hold up to weather and abuse. This was perfect. It is well made with big wheels and a wide enough base that I have never had to worry about it toppling over on him. It requires no assembly, which is an added bonus. It doesn't have all the gizmos and features as a lot of other similar toys but that was actually part of the appeal to me. Overall, I am happy we went with this product.

Buy Careplay Ride-On Play Critter Now

I love this ride-on toy. I had been looking around in target, toys r us etc for a simple ride-on, but they all had really fancy expensive things. This one is great. Inexpensive, simple and very sturdy, and my 18 month old loves scooting around on it on the deck. It's only weakness is that it doesn't really steer, but she figured out pretty quickly to just get off and move it when she runs into something. It seems more or less unbreakable to me, and totally weatherproof. I definitely recommend it for entertaining active toddlers.

Read Best Reviews of Careplay Ride-On Play Critter Here

This is a very sturdy toy for a 1 year old who is not yet walking stably. It is made of very thick plastic and does not tip over like most plastic toys do. My daughter is able to sit in it and have her feet touch the floor and also push it as well. She actually likes to sit backwards, facing the higher end and it's still comfortable for her and she likes to push both ends and it works fine either way. We use this at a community center in our neighborhood and they only have quality toys there. I also see older kids (2-3) play with it, too. If I had a large backyard, I would totally get this! I highly recommend it.

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My son's pre school has CarePlay riding toys and he loved them when he was 2-3. One day when his little sister, who was not quite one,was visiting school she fell in love with the purple puppy and wouldn't stop pushing it around. The school administrator saw how much fun she was having and let us take one home to use until I could buy one for her. We have now had the toy for a few months and she still plays with it every day. It is mad of thick strong plastic and judging from the toys at my son's school weathers well and stands up to a lot of use.

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