Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bright Starts Having a Ball Giggables - Elephant

Bright Starts Having a Ball Giggables - ElephantThese toys are cute. And even though I could have found one at a specific retail store (they retail for $5.99) for half the price of what Amazon charges, I bit the bullet and bought one from anyway. When it got to the house, it sounded like a dying cat. It had been turned on before it was shipped and that poor elephant had giggled all the way from Amazon's warehouse to my doorstep. As you can imagine, it was pretty tired of giggling and the batteries completely died in the living room. So, not only did I spend $10 too much to BUY this toy, but now, I have to buy new batteries for it (and not cheap batteries either...those little round disc batteries!). I will be returning this toy to and I will be going to the retail store like I should have in the first place.

I suppose that's more of a review on Amazon's poor skills though.

The toy itself is cute. It's about the size of a tennis ball and makes goofy sounds when rolled across the floor. I thought that these made the respective animal sound when rolled, but they do not (at least the elephant does not). There is a little on/off button on the side which I think will prove dangerous for the toy if my drooly boy gets ahold of it and slobbers all over it. Other than that, it's worth the $6 you would pay for it in the retail store, but NOT worth the $15 that is charging, in my honest opinion.


After looking over the packaging again, I found that the batteries are not replaceable. I'm not sure what made me think they took watch batteries. Stress, maybe? So, now I have a dead elephant in my house. This is definitely being returned to Amazon! I still think this would make a great toy for young kids, but I'm decreasing my rating for durability. The toy is durable enough for those that like to throw things and are hard on toys, but batteries that aren't replaceable make it a toy that won't be played with after the batteries die and I'm not sure how long they actually last. Mine didn't make it more than the two day shipping period.

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