Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sing Me to Sleep Pooh

Sing Me to Sleep PoohI love this wonderful pooh and piglet bedtime soother. My son got this for Christmas when he was 5 months old. He loves it and so do I. He really enjoys chewing on piglet's little ears since he is now teething. The remote is wonderful so you don't have to go back into the room and worry about the baby seeing you. It's so relaxing I even love to listen to it. We took it on a long 15 hour trip and it was a lifesaver. Anytime our son got fussy we would just put it on and I could start it up again from the front seat using the remote without having to reach back and get the toy! Once we were at our destination we thought our son would have a hard time sleeping since he was not at home in his crib but having Pooh made him feel like he was home and he would drift off to sleep every time! I highly recommend this to everyone and plan on buying one for my sister who has a hard time getting her baby to sleep. This toy is worth every penny. One last note, I read another review that said this toy goes through batteries quickly but in all honesty we have not had that problem. We use it constantly and have only changed the batteries once since Christmas and even if we had to change them more often, I wouldn't complain because it's so worth it!

My five-month-old daughter received this as a Christmas gift, and it has been WONDERFUL. She has always been fairly easy to put to bed, but now it is a breeze with Pooh. Instead of fumbling for an on/off switch, you just tap the pillow to turn it on (which she has done herself inadvertantly while fussing in the middle of the night and subsequently gotten herself calmed down without my getting up). Pooh then sings a sweet lullaby and a soft night light comes on. Next, several songs without words follow, and every couple songs the night light dims gradually until it finally goes out. At that point, there are soft nature sounds accompanied by one or two more songs before it turns itself off. And the remote lets you start from whichever point you like, with Pooh singing plus the light, with the songs and light but no singing, or the nature sounds and music with no light. It is just an absolutely adorable toy, and my two older children love to hear Pooh singing, also. As far as the "hard, plastic pillow" mentioned in another review, this has not been a problem at all. The pillow is covered adequately with a soft filling and cotton cover and I do not see how it could hurt her. She has even reached over and grabbed Pooh and brought the whole thing over onto her mouth to chew on, and it hasn't hurt her yet. I love this toy and I really think these lullabies will be something she equates with soothing, pleasant bedtimes for years to come.

Buy Sing Me to Sleep Pooh Now

I bought this for my grandchild when he was 8 months old. We had to go out of town and we were leaving him with a friend who had two small children. He took it to bed each night and it gave him great comfort. He has continued to "sleep" with it every night for the past 10 months. He also enjoys it when he is playing in his room. He frequently hits the button for backgroup music and likes to operate the remote control (which is a great feature) to change the "channels".

My second grandchild is 1 month old. When she was at our house, she was having trouble sleeping in the port-a-crib so I put Pooh and Piglet in with her and played the lullabys. She immediately calmed down and drifted off to sleep. Later, when checking on her, I smilingly noticed that she was holding on to Piglet. She now has her own.

This is such a special toy in our family. The on/off switch, the remote control and the number of choices make it very versatile. I would recommend it highly particularly as a baby shower gift.

The only negative the bulb is not replaceable. When it burns out the night-light effect goes with it; however, we have been operating it daily for 10 months and the bulb is still going strong.

Read Best Reviews of Sing Me to Sleep Pooh Here

I recieved this Pooh Bear as a gift from a friend off of my baby registry--I've never been a big Pooh fan or anything, but this toy had changed that!

The toy is soft and plush and heavy enough that baby cannot pull it onto her head or smother herself or any of those scary things. It's a little large but it fits perfectly at the head of her cradle.

By tapping a button inside the pillow, you start off a long set of music beginning with Pooh and Piglet singing, then some various classical lullabye music, and finally some soft nature sounds (birds chirping and such) interspersed with lullabyes. I didn't find the music to be too loud at all. Also, as the tunes progress, a bright nightlight in the pillow dims slowly and finally shuts off.

It also comes with a remote control, with various buttons to choose from starting the lullabye set from the beginning, middle or end. The remote control is an awesome feature, as it allows me to be more lazy and shut the toy off from the doorway, hehe. The only reason I didn't give this item five stars is because after a week of use the remote stopped working for me--It used to start songs automatically, but now I have to start the toy by pushing the button on the pillow. I can still switch songs with the remote though, I just can't turn the toy on with it.

Want Sing Me to Sleep Pooh Discount?

My 3-month old daughter LOVES this toy! When I put her down to sleep, I tell her that Pooh is going to sing to her and she squeals and giggles. And it really works! It starts out with an adorable lullaby (that I find myself singing to myself throughout the day) then moves on to just music. The music progressively gets softer and slower, and the nightlight progressively dims. My daughter always falls asleep before it ends. It's amazing! I especially love it because I am able to put my daughter in her crib while she's still awake, and it helps soothe her while she learns to fall asleep on her own. Perfect choice for a baby shower!!!

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