Monday, February 3, 2014


EviltronI bought a couple of these to try it out,but thinking they wouldn't work as well as advertised. Well, they work, and they are great. I had one co-worker tear apart his office (I helped him out) and reach a point that he started to scream out "I hear you @**hole..." every 5 minutes or so (i also told a couple people nearby to say that they didn't hear a thing if he asked). Now we have on in the men's room, and one in a conference room making people jump and question their sanity.

Being a gadget guy I bought this to use on my unsuspecting spouse but she was home when it was delivered. So I planted it in a office at work. I set it to "Hey, can you hear me?" The result exceeded all expectations. The victim was positive something supernatural was communicating with him. Actually ran down the hall freaking out. It motivated him to clean his office and gather coworkers to assure him others could hear it. Before the eviltron was found out Tec. Support guy suggested he go to church more often. It took him 2 days to find it. I told him he now has to prank someone else with it. My only regret is I did not catch him on video.

I really want the next generation to enable recording of custom sounds. I would use:

"I said, can you hear me?"

"I saw what you did"

A copy of the victim's ring tone

"I can see you, go back to sleep"

Buy Eviltron Now

If your boss has a good sense of humor, I'd use it on him! Otherwise, it may drive him to the funny farm... and you somewhere other than where you are employed currently.

I stuck mine behind a radiator (that was off) and set it to: "Hey, Can You Hear Me?" in a whisper voice. Well, I naturally don't have good hearing so, everytime he asked me about it, I replied with a straight face, "Hear What?" to which he said, "That Voice! I hear, Hey, Can you hear me?"

After accusing everyone in the room... outside the room... and people who he knew weren't fond of him, he started to pick up the phone to see if they were on there... He tried answering the voice, maybe they were stuck in the wall?... he then came to the conclusion that it was a remote control device that someone was setting off. He scoured the room for the sounding box but could not find it.

Well, after a couple of days, I broke my straight face and showed it to him and he found it to be mildly amusing.

Word of this got around to everyone and we all had a good laugh.

Not recomended for employees/boss's with no sesne of humor, people who get irritated and then become irate very easily. People with medical conditions, hear voices already, or believing in ghosts or are paranoid by nature, wouldn't be good victims as when they find out the joker was you, it may not end well for the joker... that'd be you, unless you can blame it on a compulsive agree-er. :)

Read Best Reviews of Eviltron Here

UPDATE 12/13/11:

Holy Crap. So. I got another unit shipped from Amazon. I turned it on and it worked right away. I never left it on to hear the repeat function actually work before deployment though. More on that later.

My family went up to visit my Sister and her boyfriend before Christmas a few days ago. I brought along the Eviltron with me hoping to deploy this against my unsuspecting sibling and her boyfriend.

Upon arriving, I started scouting out deployment locations. Bathroom pipe? No. Behind the refrigerator? No. Under their bed attached to the bed frame? YES!

I activated the Eviltron, clicked through until I heard the "Hey, Can you hear me?" sound and stuck it under their bed. Then I waited. I could not hear it again! Granted, the sound volume is low, and there was a lot of kids running around screaming, but still I heard nothing. I re-deployed it maybe three times. Figuring maybe I'd gotten another defective unit, we left that night disappointed. I left it stuck to the bed frame right near the edge. I figured that next time we were over I'd try again with a new unit.

That night went by. No call.

The next day went by. No call.

Today? CALL

My sister calls me and tells me that they found my little gadget. She says, "Do you want to hear how it went down?" Of course!!!!

Here's a summary of what happened:

Shortly after we left, they hear a noise. Then they hear it again...and again.

They have no idea what it's saying. They're thinking something is haunted in their apartment. Then they hear it clearly say "Hey, Can you hear me?"

Thinking that one of my kids may have left a toy on their bed, they pull the sheets off (and find nothing.) They still hear the voice.

Then they look under the bed, nothing there.

They pull off the mattress. They're getting freaked out now.

They pull off the box spring. Nothing there. Her boyfriend thinks he hears the voice coming from the box spring.


My sister picks up the bed frame and shakes it hard....yet Eviltron does not fall off.

Then they're thinking the voice is coming from inside the wood floor. They start thinking about how to pull a floor board up.

My sister goes to call her apartment manager and just happens to search Google for the phrase "Hey, can you hear me?"

She sees the Eviltron online and goes back to look again. He finds and disables the little devil this time.

Her boyfriend is pissed that he cut open his box spring.

I had to offer to either replace the box spring or take them out to dinner on us.

Bottom line is that this thing is AWESOME!!!!! Just be careful with whom and where you deploy it if you're not able to monitor the insanity yourself. In the end, this thing was an awesome prank, but it's costing me a lot more than the initial $10! :-)

Original Review:

I ordered an Eviltron fulfilled by Amazon.

It came promptly and undamaged.

I pulled out the power tab and the Eviltron activated....then it stopped making sound when the button was pressed. I even tried a new battery.

The box says that you may have to press down on the battery to get it to seat properly. I pressed and pressed and pressed to no avail.

It never worked again.

The good news is that this little guy is on it's way back to Amazon and a new one should be here tomorrow. Assuming I get one that actually works, I'll update my review at that time.

Want Eviltron Discount?

**please read updates**

This thing could be "eviler" if it was just a bit louder and it would be awesome if it had a volume control.

Over all this thing as a ton of potential to drive someone completely insane. It's very small and easy to hide. With a well thought out hiding place this would be nearly impossible to locate.

The downside is, it's just too quiet and the sound is lost with any level of background noise.

I work in a pretty loud office and we stuck this to one of our office workers desk chairs (under his seat). The Eviltron has been doing it's thing for about 8 hours... I sit about 12 feet away from the "victim" and I haven't heard it go off at all, and sadly the victim hasn't seemed to hear it either and he is sitting on it. (for the record, he is sitting above it it's magnetically stuck to the bottom of his chair and nothing is obstructing the speaker).

This would be good for a bedroom, where it's completely quiet as you doze off... but unless you work in a library, this just won't cut it in an office environment.

I will let the Eviltron continue to do it's thing and update this if our victim starts twitching...

**Day 2**

Half way though the 2nd day of the experiment, another co-worker inquired to our "victim" about a weird "noise". The victim then gushed something along the line of "I'm so glad you heard that, I thought I was going crazy.."

I have upgraded my "star" review of this product to 4 from 3. Once our victim starts freaking out and getting the rest of the office involved I'll upgrade to level 5.

Stay tuned...

**Day 3**

Our "victim" has suspected that someone (mainly me) is screwing with him. He has repeatedly asked me if I have done "something", so far I have been able to redirect his accusations by pretty much just changing the subject or acting like I am too busy to talk about phantom noises.

One concern is the Eviltron is generating it's noise on a regular intervals (3 min and 45 secs) our "victim" has set his watch to it. He has also enlisted others in the office to "hear" it too. It would be much better if it was making noise at random times which is what I thought it was supposed to do.


Day 3 mid morning.

The gig is up. Our "victim" turned his suspicions to the office on the floor below us. He thought that maybe the noise was emanating from downstairs and right before the 3 min 45 second mark, he marched down there and waited for it. Nothing.

While he was out of the office, my cohort and I decided to move the device to a new location then in what could be described as a panic moment, we came up with the idea of removing it entirely. The thought process being that our "victim" would inquire about a "weird ratcheting noise" to the nice people downstairs, they of course would deny making the noise, then after returning to his office the noise would mysteriously stop. We could then "encourage" a line of thinking that "they" lied and must have stopped making the noise. After about a week, we of course would have re-installed Eviltron...(insert evil laugh)

Reality we removed it, he came back and said he didn't hear it while in the other office....and he did NOT talk to anyone. So that pretty much screwed us. After about what would have been a couple "cycles" (6 to 9 minutes), the "victim" walked into my office, sat down and stared at me. When I said "what's up?" (in the most innocent, straight face I could muster), he simply replied "why don't you tell me what's up?".

So ends the first experiment.

We are now all conspiring on who our next "victim" will be.


Review in Summary this thing is awesome. But be aware, like all psychological torture it takes some time to work, so don't expect "instant results". If you want instant gratification buy a Whoopie Cushion.

Downside: I don't like the regularity of the noise however it keeps going off in 3 min 45sec intervals and the victim was starting to hone in on the source.

This thing is truly insidious, for the love of God people, have some compassion on who you unleash this thing on. I just can't imaging putting this in someones bedroom, office or car in a "set and forget" situation where you can't monitor their psychological deterioration. Your "victims" life would be broken into 3min and 45sec bites just waiting for the "next" noise event.. it would be all consuming and most likely impossible to tune out. Oh the horror.

I'm keeping my 4 stars at 4. If it was truly random timing it would be a 5 star easily!

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