Thursday, February 27, 2014

Russ Berrie Yomiko Sheepdog 7.5"

Russ Berrie Yomiko Sheepdog 7.5'My grandmother gave this little sheep dog to my infant daughter for Christmas (a little stocking stuffer). The big kids received big stuffed animals, and she didn't want the littles girl to be left out. :) Who would have know this little puppy would be the lifesaver he is! The baby was instantly attached to this little guy. We think she found his somewhat course hair easy to hold onto... No matter the reason, Puppy has landed as "Top Dog" among her favorite toys! We have washed "Puppy" several times after having been spit up and drooled on, and he still looks just as great as the day we came home with him. I hate to admit I just purchased two more puppies as "Rescue Dogs" for when the original is not available (washing or at daycare)!

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