Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tiny Love Classic Mobile

Tiny Love Classic MobileI first purchased a Symphony in Motion mobile in 2003. We loved that one! It was so cute, the colors were fun and it kept my daughter's attention for a good, long time. So when #3 came along, I didn't even think twice about getting this new model. What a disappointment. The painted parts are fuzzy, the plastic is cheap and the fabric is of a lower quality than what you'd find on that county fair animal you won. The colors and design of this newer model are not as appealing to me either. Sort of gaudy and dated. But worst of all was the fact that the motor is so noisy. You can barely hear the music over the grind of the motor. I actually exchanged the first mobile I bought thinking I must have a bad one. When the second one had the same problem, I'm assumed it was just the poor quality of this mobile. At least the exchange process through Amazon was smooth and customer friendly. I mean really, Tiny Love, what a disappointment. Too bad the quality had to suffer while the price never changed.

I've had this toy (with slightly different animals) through three children. I bought it in 2003. The toy itself is wonderful with pleasing music and great visuals. Better than that, though, is the company. After storing the toy for almost a year, I took it out for baby #2. The crankshaft didn't work. I called the company and they sent me a whole new top unit for free. I couldn't believe it. It worked without problem through baby #2 and #3.

Buy Tiny Love Classic Mobile Now

DO NOT buy this mobile if the railing on your crib is over 2 1/2 inches. Referring to the the railing that runs horizontal, not vertical.

It will not fit your crib. after 3 weeks of calling the company, I finally get someone on the phone who tells me they do NOT make replacement attachments.

Do not waste your time & money!

Read Best Reviews of Tiny Love Classic Mobile Here

It has everything you need: 4 way movement with black & white spirals perfect for newborns, Calming night light and 20m of continuous play classical music. Converts to cribside music box

Love it!!!!

Want Tiny Love Classic Mobile Discount?

My mum gave this to me when my daughter was about 1 month..and I am SOOO grateful. We originally had one of those mobiles that you had to wind up....which gave me all of 3 minutes to get something done before I had to wind it again. The beauty of this mobile is the time. You dont have to wind the mobile up every 3 minutes..I think when you press the button it last at least 15 minutes almost 20. From the time my baby was able to focus 2-3 monthshe loved to watch the mobile & since I did not have to wind it every 2 minutes I was able to leave her alone for a few minutes to pump, shower, laundry..well you name it 15 minutes is a lot of time with a new baby. The variety of songs (and not rock-a-bye-baby) is also great. We still havent gotten sick of it and my baby is almost 8 months (we have one side of the crib higher than the other so we have moved it to the higher level so she still cant touch it). Buy it, Try it, You'll love it!! We do have Babies R Us DaVinci Crib and we had a little issue getting the mobile on at first since there is a lip to the crib but we were finally able to jimmy it on there safely and it was worth not giving up!

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