Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blue Rubber Ducky

Blue Rubber DuckyWe actually have the pink version of this duck. It is cute but the hole in the bottom makes this bad for Bath Time. It always gets water inside and no matter if you squeeze all of the water out after every use like I do, the inside will not completely dry and it will get moldy inside. Then when you squeeze this to empty the water moldy globs will come out too. Definately NOT something you want in the water with your baby/child, especially when they like to put this in their mouth.

The only reason I can guess this has a hole in the bottom is so it can squeak but in my opinion this is too stiff for a baby or small child to squeeze and it doesn't make much of a squeak anyhow.

IF you are going to get this just for your child to play with OUT of water, it is pretty durable and the bill is nice for babys to chew on.

IF you want a duck for Bath Time, I recommend the Munchkin brand, it also has the "HOT" temperature thing on the bottom. There are no holes so it doesn't get moldy. Both my daughters love playing with it & chewing on its bill.

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