Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Moby Clutching Toy

Moby Clutching ToySo my 11 month old daughter loves this toy and she has been playing with it for months. Today however I had a frightening experience. She was playing in her play yard and I started hearing a different sort of whining, whimpering than I ever had from her. When I went to see what was going on, she had the fish tail completely in her mouth and behind her teeth. She has four teeth on both the top and bottom, and she could not get it out of her mouth. Luckily she wasn't panicking and I was able to get it out, but she was definitely scared by the experience. I will still let her play with it, but only when I am right next to her. Although the tail is not of choking hazard size, it can get stuck in their mouth if they try hard enough. Just be careful if your baby likes to stuff things in their mouth as far as they can, which mine apparently does. I also took a couple of smaller stacking cups that have a rim around the top which I could imagine a similar thing happening with and put them in the "under supervision only" bag.

Lots of the Haba toys are smaller, and more teeth-able than this one. However, like all the Haba toys, well made, bright, fun. Would have gotten 5 stars if my daughter was older, but for very young ones, try the flatter toys instead

Buy Moby Clutching Toy Now

The reviewer who stated this is too large for infant hands is absolutely correct. Moby is colorful and makes a wonderful teething toy, but until my grandson was able to sit up on his own he was uninterested in Moby. Not because it was dull, but because the size was just too large for his little hands to clutch and he is a large baby with large hands!

However, once he was able to sit up on his own, the baby really enjoyed putting Moby's head or tail in his mouth and gumming on the particular end he had chosen. The non-toxic finish on the tail piece has dulled and lightened from his chewing; the adjacent blue ring has also lost the sheen it had when Moby was new. The head is dulling, but the eyes are still fine. The other drawback to this toy is that when a little one decides to shake it vigorously, there is the distinct possibility of clunking either himself or the adult playmate with Moby. Yes, it does "hurt" when you get bopped by Moby!

Moby is a fun toy; but, it would not be my first choice as a gift or personal purchase. Haba toys are well made and have multiple uses. Nevertheless, there may be choices for your little one, other than Moby, which will provide better sensory or play experiences.

Read Best Reviews of Moby Clutching Toy Here

This toy is so cute, I almost bought it for myself rather than my son. But it is a great toy for him as well. It is a little more challenging than some of his other toys. It teaches him how to grasp things with two hands and manipulate things into his mouth. He likes it most when he is getting a little tired and is sitting in my lap, needing something quiet to do. I also like that it's made of wood, not plastic, and is something we'll keep even after he outgrows it.

My son didn't get interested in this until he was about 4-5 months old. This toy is probably a little too much for younger babies.

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I really like this durable toy. It has bright colors and is made very well..i'm not worried my son will pinch his fingers or anything like that. I do agree with some of the other reviewers about it being a little too big for small son is 4mo and i don't believe he is quite ready for it. He can hold on to the Haba frog teether toy better.

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