Saturday, May 31, 2014

Aurora Plush Baby 6" My First Pet Carrier with Sound

Aurora Plush Baby 6' My First Pet Carrier with SoundThis is an adorable little set, as are the other "Carrier with Sound" sets by Aurora. But, please take note that the names of the animals are NOT embroidered on their sides. I contacted Aurora directly when the Safari set arrived (I bought the Safari, First Pets and Barnyard Carriers) since I thought maybe it was defective since the names were missing. (I subsequently received the First Pet set without the names as well. The Barnyard set was from a different seller and must have been older since "COW", "PIG", etc. were labeled). I was informed by an Aurora representative that their new production of these toys lack the animal names embroidered on their little bodies. Why they would make such a change does not make sense to me... I informed the rep of my disappointment since the animal names were actually a selling point. Hopefully Amazon will update the product pictures so more customers do not have this same experience... Really a shame since having the names on the animals is a nice learning tool. My 11 month old son is able to understand and follow the instruction of, "No, press the 'w' and the cow will moo, not the 'c'". POOR CHANGE, AURORA.

Also, as for the sounds that this set emits when you squeeze the respective animal; the bird has a cute, realistic chirp, the cat an expectant meow, the bunny a sweet snuffling sound (wasn't sure before I purchased what sound a bunny would make!), the dog pants and barks, (though in my opinion, not the best representation of a dog).

My one and a half year-old received this as a present, and she loves it. I didn't know that they used to make the animals with the names on them, so I didn't miss this feature at all. This toy is perfect for traveling, and the animals are just the right size for her little hands. My three year-old son has also had some fun "sharing" this with her.

Buy Aurora Plush Baby 6" My First Pet Carrier with Sound Now

Very cute! Kids of all ages seem to love to play with these animals. Love that they come with a carrying case. The noises are adorable.

Read Best Reviews of Aurora Plush Baby 6" My First Pet Carrier with Sound Here

I had bought one of the farm animal and barn sets for my nephew. He loved it so much at Christmas that I got this set for a friend's daughters birthday. Everyone thought it was very cute.I was surprised at how natural the animal sounds are. I fear the squeakers may not hold up, but time will tell. As other reviewers have stated, it was disappointing that the animal names were not embroidered on the animals. They are SO soft though.

Now, I will have to get a set for my little guy when he is old enough.

Want Aurora Plush Baby 6" My First Pet Carrier with Sound Discount?

My 15-month daughter loves this toy. She loves taking the animals out and putting them back in. She loves the kitten and dog especially.

Save 29% Off

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