Tuesday, July 29, 2014


CASHFLOW 202Ok I know this is in the product description but it is worth repeating: you must have Cashflow 101 to be able to play Cashflow 202. I say this with a double meaning. You need the board, game pieces, and score cards from 101 but also and more important you need the knowledge and foundation from 101 before you try 202. Get 101 first and play through it until you can consistently escape the Rat Race within a couple of hours. Then when you are ready for a challenge get 202.

The basic game play is the same but 202 introduces many new concepts and some twists that make for a challenging game. I have had 202 for about a year and a half now and whenever we play Cashflow (my wife and I play once a month) we always want to play 202. At first it was extremely challenging but now I am to the point where I can usually escape the Rat Race fairly quickly in 202.

Big Deal and Small Deal cards have been replaced by Cashflow Deal and Capital Gains cards.

New Capital Gains concepts include: starter houses, vacant land, put options, call options, short sale of stocks.

New Cash Flow concepts include: network marketing, royalty income, REIT shares, 1031 real estate exchanges.

The Market is MUCH MORE VOLATILE in Cashflow 202.

Stocks: The ON2U and MYT4U companies will go BANKRUPT and all shares become worthless. The stocks will SPLIT. The stocks will REVERSE SPLIT.

Real Estate: Your rents per unit can INCREASE or DECREASE by $50 per month PER UNIT depending on what the market does. You can LOSE your property due to LANDSLIDES or maybe the Airport wants to take over your land.

The game teaches you how to make money in spite of (or because of) this volatility!

The Doodads are BRUTAL in 202.

You could draw a Doodad that requires you to pay $10K down PLUS make monthly payment PLUS increase your OTHER expenses.

There are a few new concepts on the Fast Track such as franchising your business or being forced to sell your business but for the most part the big changes are it is much more of a challenge to escape the Rat Race.

If you enjoy playing Cashflow 101 and are up for a challenge definitely try Cashflow 202.

Have fun, and good luck!

Great way to learn about technical stock trading, ie puts, calls, and shorts. Just to focus on that, for one game we took out all the cards that weren't related to stock trading. That play round really made the stock trading make more sense. Great way to learn about obtaining capital gains and increasing cash flow.

Buy CASHFLOW 202 Now

There is not much more to say but it's a great reference and information that'll help me and mine move ahead.

Read Best Reviews of CASHFLOW 202 Here

This is a very educational game that teaches you how to invest and the world of finances. Robert and his team did an outstanding job creating a game such as this one.

Want CASHFLOW 202 Discount?

The game was purchased for family and friends. It was a hit. The games requires some accounting skills that most investors would find necessary going forward in their financial independence. The game is colorful enough to attract both young and old players. It may be considered more of an educational tool and everyone seems to learn from it.

I would highly recommend it.

Save 47% Off

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