Saturday, July 26, 2014

Teach My Toddler Teach My Toddler - Shapes

Teach My Toddler Teach My Toddler - ShapesTeach My Toddler Shapes was given to our one year young great niece. It fits into the bag which her mom brings whenever anyone watches her so that the babysitters can work with her using this educational toy. She can find the shapes, and match the puzzle pieces, but she does not have the dexterity to get them into their place on the foam board, we have to help. She loves looking at the shapes on the poster and when we ask, she can point to some that we name. This little one loves to learn and whenever she sees the transparent plastic envelope with this toy inside, she fusses until we place it on the floor and play it with her. Someone is always with her when she uses this toy, teaching and encouraging her. Also at one year, she tends to be a bit rough and if you want this toy to last, supervision is in order. FUN and a very worthwhile purchase.

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