Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Crayola Beginnings Baby Drop and See

Crayola Beginnings Baby Drop and SeeI bought this toy for my home daycare but ended up returning it. It just wasn't worth the money I paid. I thought it would be educational with the balls blending with the different wall colors as they rolled down, but they didn't really make enough of a difference to be noticable. The worst part about this toy was the electronic sounds. If I hear, "Ta Da, TaDoodle!" one more time I'm going to scream. It would have been much better without needing batteries. Overall, your child might like this toy if you don't have anything similar. I did like how you had to push various buttons to get the ball to advance to the next level. Overall, it just wasn't worth it to me.

This toy seems like a great idea, the only problem being. . .in order to get the balls to the bottom you have to press several different buttons to release them. My son had a really hard time understanding that you had to push a button to move the ball. Let alone push them in a certain order. I never put batteries in it because we were out, so I'm not even sure how it sounds :P

As for the colors changing. . .you don't really notcie because you are too busy trying to teach your child all the buttons.

Buy Crayola Beginnings Baby Drop and See Now

I thought this would be educational as far as learning which colors mixed together make other colors, but as others have said, the plastic is just too dark. I even tried putting light behind it and it just doesn't work. The sounds are just okay, not very long or very many so it is quite repetitive. It was worth the $8.99 I paid for it, but anything above that is a rip off.

Read Best Reviews of Crayola Beginnings Baby Drop and See Here

The balls don't look any different as they go throught the different color levels. But, our toddler likes to bang the balls together, he also likes the sounds this toy makes. He won't do it by himmself, but with my help he'll put the balls into the toy himself and loves it! Other than that he usually just crams his wooden blocks into the openings and gets mad when he can't get them back out:-)

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My children think it's more fun to put everything but the plastic balls it comes with in it...which can be tricky when you're trying to get it out. Basically they never play with it the way it was meant to be played with and it's only so fun to put a ball in and watch it change colors..

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