Friday, November 22, 2013

Shining Stars Pegasus

Shining Stars PegasusThese toys are soft and adorable! On top of that you're giving them a real star! How cool is that? Half of my grandkids are now planning to be astronauts! They use the Nasa site to check on their stars and usually end up widening their search. The teens and preteens really enjoy the game site. In addition to all this a portion of the profits goes to children's charities. I have rarely been happier with a gift I've purchased.

I gave this Shining Star Pegasus to my seven year old granddaughter for Christmas. When she opened the package, she just looked at it and put it aside. I guess it will just be thrown in with the rest of her stuffed animals.

The only educational value that I can see with this toy is the fact that she went on the computer to register it. However, there are so many stuffed animals on the market now that can be registered, this is just one more to find a place to display it after the registration. I thought that it was kind of cute, but she didn't seem all that thrilled with it. No more of these as gifts unless she specifically asks for one.

Buy Shining Stars Pegasus Now

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