Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Baby Stacking Cups

Baby Stacking CupsMy 7 month old son loves classic stacking cups from his grandmother's house that are over 20 years old, so I thought I would get some. The colors and the number of cups in this product appealed to me. When they arrived, I was disappointed that the colors were not the same as the picture. Instead of 8 different colors, there were only 4: red, yellow, green and blue. Also, they cups do not have a very sturdy fit when they stack like some of the classic stacking cups have. In addition, the top cups are VERY small. The smallest one is about an inch or so. Too small for my liking. Some of the cups have holes in them as well, and I have no idea why.

Maybe I'm the only idiot that just assumed these were bigger than they are without really looking closely at the measurements, but they are not big at all. The largest "cup" is about the size of a laundry detergent lid. The smallest... a little bigger than a soda bottle lid. The stickers are also very cheap looking and most have "bubbles" in them; just cheap graphics. I have seen some really awesome stacking "cup" sets but this doesn't compare. Definitely a disappointment to receive in the mail. If you're looking for a small set, however, these might work for you. I just was hoping for a set that my little one could build as tall as she is (or close). But, at least we have great circle cutters of all sizes for Play-Doh =)

Buy Baby Stacking Cups Now

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