Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tiny Love Double-Sided First Book

Tiny Love Double-Sided First BookThis is an adorable book but probably not worth the money. I like the look of it but my baby has yet to be mesmerized by either side of if (had from 3-5months of age). It's also very bulky and difficult to fold up or to bend into the accordion shape you want (unlike a board book version). I would suggest Tana Hoben's Black & White accordion book for kids under 6months this has been a much bigger hit for us and folds up compactly and can be set up fairly straight out or bent into different shapes depending on the space you have.

This is the very best newborn toy that I have ever purchased. All 3 of my children loved this book, literally from the moment they were born. Stimulates peripheral vision, which is what infants use, and later works great on the floor for tummy time. I have yet to meet a baby who does not love this book. Absolutely worth the price, for the machine washability, quality, and durability. Mine still looks brand new, after years of use. Buy it, buy it, buy it!

Buy Tiny Love Double-Sided First Book Now

My son has stared at the images on this since he was one week old. It has ties on it so you can tie it to the crib. I tied it inside his play pen around the head end when he was 10 weeks old and it made him cry less at tummy time. In just 2 weeks, he now looks forward to tummy time so he can stare at the images. He looks the longest at the flower and the snail. Today I brought it out of the playpen, onto the floor (the accordian design keeps it standing up even after months of being tied to the crib side) and turned it around to the colorful side and the result was amazing! he cooed at it during tummy time for 15 minutes! This is especially great because I can fold it up and take it with me for the afternoon or on vacation so he can have tummy time anywhere! I would highly recommend this product!

Read Best Reviews of Tiny Love Double-Sided First Book Here

My son likes this book a lot. He also likes to play with it in a sitting position. It is quite colorful and there are interesting things in the book that keep him engaged. I was quite pleased with this book.

Want Tiny Love Double-Sided First Book Discount?

The nurses of the program, Nurse-Family Partnership, use this cloth book as a means to help bond mother and child through appropriate interaction.

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