Monday, September 30, 2013


DownfallMy family owned this game when I was a small child. I have fond memories playing it with my Dad as a little girl, with my teenage friends in high school, and with my fiance when I was in college. IT IS THE PERFECT GAME FOR ANY AGE!! Recently on the search for family oriented games that I can play with MY children, I told my Mom, "What I really need is a game like downfall. They don't make games like that anymore." Well guess what? They do! This is a remade version of the original we owned. My Mom got it for us for Christmas! We love it! I can play it with my four and six year old children, or with my husband. It is intelligent enough for adults, simple enough for kids! I love that it is SHORT. No frustrating moving back and forth in candyland or counting spaces that my two yr old doesnt understand. This is a fantastic game to play with children that isnt exhausting! It fits my kids' attention span (and my patience). Easily a 10 minute game.

RULES: move one wheel one direction. Get all of your disks to the bottom. Easy, right? Even my two year old likes to turn the wheels and watch the disks fall into their slots. With her, I just use one side and let her turn the wheels until they reach the bottom. My 4 and 6 yr old can play the full version of the game easily, with me on one side and them on the other, both of us trying to get our disks to the bottom first. They delight in watching their disks drop and move as I turn the wheel on my side. It is especially educational for young children, as they have to use the key to turn the wheels and line up the disks, thinking through how to get them all to the bottom. And for adults, its just simple FUN! You never know where your opponent is at with their disks, and as you move your wheel, you might be helping or hindering their progress. FUN FUN FUN FOR ANY AGE!!!!

I was wondering if the new version would be as sturdy as the old, and I have to admit, it is NOT. I wish the stand was sturdier. They keys and disks and wheels themselves work great, my only complaint is that the tower itself needs a stronger base; it feels like it will tip if my kids push on it too hard. So I hold it for them. Adults shouldnt have problems though.

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