Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby Fun Toy 4" Assorted Colors Development Sensory Balls, Set of 4

Baby Fun Toy 4' Assorted Colors Development Sensory Balls, Set of 4I gave these to my first grandchild and now to my second for Christmas. They are the GO-TO-Toy. My 8 month old grandson chased the balls all around the family room with his army crawl, ignoring all the other snazzy colorful toys, by reputable companies. They were also the favorite of our first grandson. Balls are the classic baby toy, and they hold their interest for more months than most toys. Our oldest grandson at 3.4 yr still plays occasionally with his set of balls. Balls just don't lose their appeal. These are just right in texture, size, and softness for grabbing, yet offering some challenge for the 8 month old. For the next birthday I am going to get a large one. As an aside, I bought some other play-and-learn balls with texture, sound, etc., but they never has the same day-on, day-out appeal, even though they looked much more appealing to me.

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