Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lamaze Crib Soother

Lamaze Crib Soother, PondMy three-month old loves this toy!

It's really easy to use. There are several options on this toy. You can play the music only, lights only, or music and lights together. There are three songs and one nature sound option. The three songs are: "Bach's Minuet in G", "Hush Little Baby" and "Soothing Spa".

My girl likes the nature sounds the most, and, as a parent, they are easier to listen to then a repeating song :) She does like the songs as long as I turn on the lights with it. I also found that if I turn on her musical mobile over the crib and turn on the lights-only option on this product, she is easily soothed and falls asleep quickly! I love it!

The lights respond to the songs, so they are flickering on the "screen". The "screen" is plastic, and it looks like some of the animals are made of a felt-like material, while others are painted on the "screen". There are no moving parts, but the lights make it look like there is movement. It's really a cool effect.

It uses a buckle and snap to attach to the crib, so it seems very secure. The nylon straps allow the toy to hang off the crib at an angle, so an infant that is still too young to sit up can still see everything. The toy has a fabric cover and the purple edge is padded, so it is soft to the touch for curious baby hands.

The lady bug button is padded too, but my girl isn't sitting up yet, so she can't reach it yet. If you press the ladybug, it plays nature sounds and lights that match the sounds for 5 minutes. The regular music settings go for 20 minutes.

It takes three AA batteries, which are beneath a cover that is screwed in. There is a pouch in the back of the toy so you could plug in an mp3 player, which I think it a pretty cool idea, but I haven't tried it yet.

There is an "on/off" switch for battery conservation and two volume settings, which is a nice touch. The instructions are listed in numerous languages and are very simple to follow; however there is a typo in them that says that the "lights will breathe slowly". LOL I think they mean "blink" :) Oh, and from an environmental view, I like the fact that there is minimal packaging for this toy.

Overall, I really like this product, and my girl does too!


I just wanted to say that my daughter used this item during bedtime and nap time until she was about 16 months old. She enjoyed it for a long time. She liked using just the lights for a while, and not the music too. I loved that you could use those options separately. Oh, and we took it with us on a two week road trip with her, strapped it on her pack-n-play at night, and it seemed to help her feel more at ease sleeping away from home. Anyway, I have taken out the batteries and stored it away now that she had outgrown it, and I will definitely use this with my future babies!

this product is adorable. im not a fan of big bulky products or over stimulating my children with electronics. so this seemed perfect! simple,nature theme and soothing lights. really a cute idea! i was so excited when it came. now that ive used it im a bit annoyed. and heres why...

1. when you turn on the machine its BURSTS flashing lights and NOT soothing music. so if you turn it off to save batteries and are about to lay baby down with a desire that she can be "soothed" the rest of the way to sleep she will suddenly be startled by trying to even turn the thing on for her to enjoy. why there has to be any sound and lights just to turn it on is beyond me.

2.they just didnt fully think this thing through for baby use. when you press the lady bug the lights go to flash mode and not "breathe"/calmy rotation of the lights. so if you r baby wants to be soothed while waking or going to bed your outa luck. its in their face FAST FLASH FLASH FLASH lights. seriously???

3.also, you cant just skip to the calm nature sounds when you want to use it.the SECOND option is the nature. so, when you want to sooth your baby you have to play atleast two loud notes of first song before it will let you "skip" to the nature sounds. YOU CANNOT BYPASS the first song all together. the nature song should be first and then the 3 annoying songs after. my baby is startled everytime i try and get to the nature.

all in all there is a bunch of noise and flashing lights before you can get to the basic "breathe" lights motion and nature sounds. its so sad cause with a few tweaks this thing would have been AMAZING. im kind confused as what to do right now. i dont really want to ship it back to amazon. how annoying. so my hubby is gonna try and get a cheap mp3 for it in hopes it may help the music situation. but other reviews state that the mp3 broke fast. so i dont have high hopes for this. crap. with my other kids ive been through every type of mobile and soother. i wish actual moms would be hired to help with designs of baby products cause these mistakes are so dumb.

anyway. meh its adorable but but mistakes make it almost impossible to be soothing

Buy Lamaze Crib Soother Now

I absolutley love this soother I have tried so many different ones the fish type, the projection on the cieling and this is the best one of all. It does nature sounds and songs. The best part is the lights they are colorful and go to the songs/soundsw and you can even use your ipod songs. It is the only soother out of the four I have had that keeps the twins quite and relaxes them enough at bedtime it is a must have product. My twins are premies and are 5 months old they have reflux and colick and they love this . I recoment to new and experincedmoms who are sop tired and need a few minutes of quite this how to get it and the sounds relax me to as they fall asleep to it I can relax with them and catch up on my book.

Read Best Reviews of Lamaze Crib Soother Here

I was very excited for this crib soother when I ordered it. I loved that I could use my MP3 player with it. After we recieved it, I was not impressed by this product. The lights and sound are a little too bright and loud if you are trying to use it at bedtime. My daughter only liked it for a few minutes at a time.

Want Lamaze Crib Soother Discount?

It works for both my 2 month old and 2 year old! I was able to put them both to sleep in their own beds in their own room!! and that lately has been a challenge. The plus has been the mp3 player. I was able to plug in my iPhone and use the iPod as well as all the music apps I have (pandora, radio Disney, etc.) I love the ease of moving it onto the crib or the toddler bed. Unlike the other ones I had, you just buckle it on and pull the strap! Both my kids love the lights. They're nice and bright. The music and lights stays on for 20 minutes (I think), I've never had to use it for more than 5 minutes. All in all, I'm a happy mama! I will defineitely be purchasing another one.

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