Monday, March 31, 2014

Baudino Spilling funnel

Baudino Spilling funnelWe had a great time with this toy at the beach. I admit that I played with it as much as the kids. It takes just the right mix of water and sand to work correctly. Once we got it going it made some really fun structures. With supervision a five year old can manage this toy. The younger ones had a hard time with it.

The spilling funnel was so much fun at the beach. I bought this for my 3 and 5 year old grandchildren. Although my three year old granddaughter could not always work it properly she was fascinated by the all the "structures" we could make with the funnel. She had fun filling it with the water and sand and then watching as other people made things. My five year old grandson got the hang of it after watching some adults use it. We made a sand village and used the funnel to make walls, towers, little buildings, hills, mountains in our village. All in all a great purchase! Kept the adults as well as the kids entertained for hours.

Buy Baudino Spilling funnel Now

I love the durability and diversity of this toy. It digs sand, pours water, and shapes sand castles, all without cracking or faltering. Love this toy, we've had it for over 2 years now and do not go to the beach without it. We frequent CA beaches and highly recommend this toy for sand play.

Read Best Reviews of Baudino Spilling funnel Here

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