Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Power Touch Baby Reading System

Power Touch Baby Reading SystemAfter doing some research, I bought this toy for my daughter who is 15 months old. I chose it over the Leap Pad product because it is said to not be as easy to turn off, and the pages are sturdier. It also seems like there are more things to touch and hear about. My daughter loves looking at picture books, and is constantly pointing to pictures and touching the pages. I thought this would be great for her, as it would provide some sort of verbal output to her curiousity and interest. I was disappointed, however, that the book doesn't attach to the unit very well, making it easy for the child to take out. My daughter just wanted to hold the book on her lap and look at it. Maybe its just not the toy for her. As with other reviewers, my daughter touches the pages in an attempt to turn them, and the voice just repeats the same syllable over and over. I realize with this age group it is difficult to always design toys in the way they will be used. I was surprised that Fisher Price put a "notice" on the inside of the package (not visible on the outside) stating the unit works best when laying on a flat surface (not on a child's lap?)and when touched with only one finger at a time (a six month old may not even be physically able to point with one finger). This would be helpful to know BEFORE buying. We are hoping my daughter will get the hang of it and not become so frustrated soon. I'll give it a week or so, but I'm leaning towards returning it.

I liked the "idea" of this product. The only problem I have with it is that it is too sensitive. My son is 1 year old and when he touches it, it repeats and repeats. The recommendations are to touch with one finger which is almost impossible because he likes to touch the textures (like he is petting). Otherwise, it is a good toy.

Buy Power Touch Baby Reading System Now

This is a re-do of my first review (I reviewed it the first day I got it before playing with it much.)and I couldn't figure out how to change teh stars. This product really only deserves 1 or 2 stars.

Hi, I reviewed this the day I first bought it, but thought I should post again because I returned it. My son could not get through one page. He loves to touch the pictures in the book, especially with the tactile pages. Whenever he would touch the page, the words to the story stop and respond to what was touched. And if he kept touching it or touched different things..it would just say the first syllable of whatever he touched. So, he wasn't hearing the story, or learning about what he was touching. It was more like a broken record of syllables. It was a good idea...but not a practical buy. We bought the leapfrog little touch system and have been happy with it. It isn't the greatest either, but he can atleast hear the story and it is not too sensitive. Leapfrogs pages are a laminated fabric, even though they feel like paper. They haven't torn yet. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. Spending money on regular ol' books may be your best bet!

Read Best Reviews of Power Touch Baby Reading System Here

I like this PT BABY for my 2 year old better than the regular PT for ages 3-7, which I bought at first. The regular PT has SO many things to do on each page that it is way too distracting and confussing for the younger age range.

The books are way stronger and more durable, as they have a thicker stronger plastic coating on them, vs the reg. PT books that bend & tear easily. The worst thing about the PTB is that the books fall off the unit very easy, which is very fustrating for mom and child. I wish the PT Baby had the alphabet on the unit itself like the reg PT does for use without the books.

I would have to say that the BEST books so far of the four that are currently retailing are: "I Know My Letters" and "I Know My Numbers". These two books are MUST haves out of the four. They are very colorful, textured, useful and the most educationl of all the four books out right now.

The carring case for the reg PT will NOT fit the PT Baby, however, the (green&blue) Leapfrog carring case/backpack will. Or, just buy a standard size backpack and use that instead...thats what we did!

But most importantly--this is a nice toy for child AND parent(s) to play together!!!! So enjoy!

***P.S. I hope my review has helped you out as much as other peoples TRU reviews help me with my decisions on toys.***

Want Power Touch Baby Reading System Discount?

After reading all the reviews that I could find on the PowerTouch Baby and Leap Frog's comparable unit I decided on the Fisher Price version. Boy am I glad that I did. Bear in mind that I have never used the Baby Leap Frog personally and might find it to be equally grand. My daughter received the PT Baby from "Santa" and she has loved it since she first set her fingers on it. She loves anything that makes music and this toy is great for that. She hasn't shown too much interest in the book that came with it yet but that will come. When the book is attached she likes to turn it to the back page and push buttons to hear the songs that are played as a result. I generally keep the book up on the shelves because she is very happy to play with the unit without it. It's great to take on trips in the car because it keeps her entertained "composing songs' without the worry of the book falling out, etc. It is easy for her to carry and she figured out in no time at all how to turn it on and off and adjust the volume. Several people have complained about how sensitive it is to touch, and yes, it is VERY sensitive. I wouldn't expect a 6-12 month old to be able to operate it in the same way that a 2 year old can. But while it may not seem like fun to you, it probably is for your child if they continue to press on the pages to hear the noises that it makes. People want everything to be so "educational" for babies. At this age it is enough for them to be learning about cause and effect! As an educator I can assure you that a six month old is not going to "learn" his alphabet or numbers by pushing pictures on a page and listening to the explanation that follows. While exposure to letters and numbers is benefitial sometimes the child just needs to be able to explore and have fun with the results! I highly recommend this toy for the ages listed on the box. Babies will enjoy the power that they feel from being able to make something respond to their actions while older toddlers can begin to benefit from more deliberate exploration.

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