Thursday, May 29, 2014

Soft Velour Shapes

Soft Velour ShapesI bought this set for my son when he was about 5 months old and I have been thrilled at how he has enjoyed it as he has passed from stage to stage.

At first, with limited mobility, he liked holding it or looking at the bright colors. Once he was crawling, he started batting it across the room with his hand, then chasing it excitedly. Now that he is starting to throw things, I am glad that this soft, plush ball is a favorite toy, because it can safely be thrown without hurting anything (or anyone).

The ball is soft and light, making it easy to grab and lift with one hand. It has a quiet bell inside which is fun for him but not annoying to me.

Admittedly, he has largely ignored the cube, but this set was well worth the very affordable price for the ball alone. It has given our son hours upon hours of enjoyment. When he comes into his playroom, it's often the first thing he looks for. It's nice knowing that anytime he's getting cranky, I can just pull out the ball and he'll be smiling and playing.

Sometimes the simple toys are the ones they love best. That's certainly been the case for our boy!

As a new mother, I thought this ball and cube set was adorable. The recommended age was 3mos+, so I imagined it being perfect for my 3 month old daughter and expected her to actually *play* with it. Consequently, I was very dissapointed when all she did was clutch the toys and took no interest when I rolled the ball and cube towards her. At around 6 mos, I gave up on her liking them and I packed them away for the next baby only to pull them out a few weeks ago. Now, at 18 Months of age, she is nuts about them! Throwing them into the air and bouncing the soft colorful ball across the floor to me. I was amazed at her interest and came back here to check on the review I had written months ago... when I discovered the age span was 3mos 2 years. I wish I had known that last year! To sum up, if I had known then what I know now, I would buy this set again only I wouldn't expect to see her actually playing with the ball and cube til she was older. I guess the only advice I can pass along is, the recommended age seems to be set very young and don't worry if your baby is really not interested... because someday, he or she will be. :)

Buy Soft Velour Shapes Now

The best toy I found and the best price. You get 2 toys for the price of one. I have twins so this is beyone value. I have used this toy with my twins since they were 2 months old. At first I would hold the ball for them to look at and hear (there is a bell in he ball). Then when they started to use their hands I would roll the ball slowly up her front, when she would get both hands on the ball I would let go & cheer her for 'catching it'. Since I have twins the other would have the cube in her lap to look at while I played 'catch' with the other one & then I would switch. Now that they are on the floor and holding things the cube is great. When on her back the cube stays easly on her tummy while she is holding on to it, also she can hold it easly while she rolls to one side other other (they also get a kick out of it whey I sqeeze the cube over their tummies because it crackles). While one twin has the cube I can have the other sit in my lap and have her reach for and grab the ball to get her use to having her arms in front of her (helping her learn to prop herself up to sit).... Who knows were we will go with them next.

Read Best Reviews of Soft Velour Shapes Here

My baby who is now 8 months has always loved this set, especially the ball! When he was younger he would grasp it between his legs! Now that he is older and crawling, he LOVES to chase it all around the house! He plays with this toy more than any of the others! I like how it is soft and rolls so easily.

Want Soft Velour Shapes Discount?

My daughter LOVES the ball. Since she was 6 months old she has loved to sit up and play catch. Everytime I pick up the ball she smiles because she knows we are going to play one of her favorite games. This toy is on my Top 5 toys list.

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