Sunday, July 6, 2014

Boikido Wooden Percussion Table

Boikido Wooden Percussion TableI adore this little percussion table, it definitely has the cute factor and my 14-month old loves to play with it (as well as his 3 year old brother). The only issue we have it that it does tip over easily if any weight is put on the table on either side of the cymbal. I am afraid he will climb on top and topple over, so I can't leave this out when I am not watching closely. I would love to see the manufacturer substitute 2 legs spread out on the back side instead of only 1 in the middle. Otherwise, it is a very nice toy and totally worth the price!

My baby loves this percussion table! It also required very little assembly (yay!) and doesn't take up too much room (double yay!) The only problem with it is that it is a bit unstable and she pulls it over on herself very easily. Therefore, I don't plan to let her play with this without me right there.

Buy Boikido Wooden Percussion Table Now

My grandson who is three and the new baby 61/2 months loved finding this item for CHanukah-they love music and they loved making it-I highly recommend it fpr 0-4 year olds

Read Best Reviews of Boikido Wooden Percussion Table Here

I bought this stylish combo of drum, cymbal and xylophone on impulse at a local shop. I nearly returned it the next day due to complaints on this site about it tipping over and the potential for kids to destroy the drum skin. But desperate to entertain my bored 10-month-old lad, I tore it open--and with no regrets.

It is definitely tipsy, apparently because of a design compromise to make it lightweight and easier to ship. But after a few hours of sporadically satisfactory play he figured out that it's just not for standing on: you have to sit down to play with it. The way I see it, the table helped him to actually reason something out. I'm not sure the tippiness is a net negative.

Regarding the drum skin's proneness to damage, we've had the table for 8 months now and the skin's still in very good condition. There are a few small concavities from vigorous pounding, but it sounds brand new. I did work with him several times to hold the drumstick properly, which probably helped.

My biggest complaint is that the xylophone sounds flat. You can still play a fun chiming tune on it, but it definitely doesn't ring out, especially in comparison with the high-volume cymbal and drum. I'd buy it again, partly because I just think it's fun.

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I first saw this toy in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Christmas catalogue. When I went to buy it from them they were no longer selling it. I should have realized that this was a bad sign. But I thought is was so cute, and my daughter, who was going to be 16 months by Christmas, is fascinated by music. I should have paid more attention to the reviews. The table is indeed cute. What is not cute is that the xylophone is completely out of tune, and it is difficult to get it to make noise. You have to hit the keys just right. How is a small child supposed to hit the keys just right? The drum and cymbal are better, but the drum is very small, and she gets bored with it very quickly. The table is also a funny height, if she is standing she has to stoop to reach it. And if she sits on something her knees tend to hit it. She is not large for her age, exactly 50th percentile in height. One reason I liked the idea of the table was that it would be too big for her to throw out of her play corral, however it is so light that she can still throw it out, and knock it over, and drop it on her foot, or my foot. She spends more time knocking it over and dropping it than she does playing it. It's really not worth the money.

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