Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Original Toy Company Pop Up Toy

The Original Toy Company Pop Up ToyThe idea of this toy is great. The construction of this toy is awful. From the minute my daughter started playing with it the springs would stick, therefore the pegs would not pop up. Every single time she played with it I would have to get out the screw driver, unscrew the bottom of the toy and re-adjust the springs....and do it all over again, and again and again. (you get the idea).

Don't waste your time with this one...just plain no good.

This was given as a gift to my sone for his first birthday and now at 2.5 he is still fascinated by it. It's a simple mechanism of springs and pegs but he's loved learning how to make the pegs "pop" and never tires of watching them fly. It's been a simple and valuable toy to teach counting and colors.

Buy The Original Toy Company Pop Up Toy Now

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