Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mini Organic Lamb

Mini Organic LambOur then-4-mo.old LOVED this when we got it!!! It was just perfect size for him to hold onto, very soft and snuggly, and WE felt good about him sucking on/snuggling it as babies do because of the way it is made! Our little one is now 18-mo. old, and "lamby" is still one of his favorite toys!

This little guy is fantastic! Small, yes, but so is an infant. The arms and legs are unfilled, so they flail around when Woolite (we named him) sways to and fro. The paws are soft and apparently great for chewing, which is why it's worth it for us to spend the money on organic toys. High quality materials and manufacturing.

Buy Mini Organic Lamb Now

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