Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bright Starts Having a Ball Pop and Roll Roadster

Bright Starts Having a Ball Pop and Roll RoadsterInitially I thought this car was a cheap alternative to the nice bobby cars I know from my home country. When I unpacked it, I was a little concerned about the color, since the red is not red but more of a fuchsia/raspberry color and I have a son. After talking to my husband and the "color issue", we kept it anyway. I didn't had a problem to put it together, like other people did and it was working just fine. My son enjoys shooting the balls or just pushing the buttons for the sound. Today I had to see, how my son's arm got stuck inside the insert for the ball. He was trying to get the ball out and twisted his arm and got stuck. I was terrified to see this and had a hard time to calm him down, to get him a little relaxed, to get his arm out. I won't recommend this toy, because of this reason. Sepnd a little more money, get something more childproof.

This toy was purchased for my 20-month-old baby girl by her grandparents. She enjoyed playing with it for the past few months, but today, while sitting on the roadster, my daughter tried to insert a small toy cup into the shoot instead of the plastic balls that came with the roadster. In the process, she got her hand stuck halfway down the ball shoot. Her hand was wedged so tight between the wall of the ball shoot and the toy cup that her fingers started turning purple! While she was screaming, I tried desperately to unscrew the yellow plastic hood off the car to help her hand from below the ball shoot, but my screwdriver only stripped the screws. As there was no way to pop the hood open, I was about to crack it open with a hammer when my daughter managed to wrench her hand free. She suffered a superficial gash all along one side of her hand, and her index finger is red and swollen to twice its normal thickness, but no bones seem to be broken. This all happened in a matter of a few seconds under direct adult supervision as the words "I don't think that's going to fit, honey" were coming out of my mouth. Until Bright Starts makes the ball shoot wider to prevent little hands from getting stuck or devises a hood that opens easily, this toy is not safe for curious toddlers.

Buy Bright Starts Having a Ball Pop and Roll Roadster Now

I am a mother of a 1 year old. with kids this young, they may not understand the concept of how to get the balls out once they are put into the steering wheel and into the dash. My son has got his arm stuck in the hole about ten times trying to get the balls back out. They should make the hole smaller or take this toy off of the market!!!!

Read Best Reviews of Bright Starts Having a Ball Pop and Roll Roadster Here

I had a similar issue with putting this together. Called the customer service line and they told me to push down really hard until I heard a click. The electronics are in the dash and if it's not installed all the way, they won't work. When I finally got it connected it worked great and was a hit in my household!

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My 2 year old got attracted to this car because of the balls. We had several similar cars (without balls) at home, but he never showed interests in riding on them. So when I saw that this car has this ball function,i tried getting him one to get him to ride on it. It was successful, because he had to get on the car to get it moving forward for the ball to move in position so when the gear is pulled, the ball drops out of the hole. Only thing i don't like about it is that the steering wheel is fixated..could not turn wheels to go right or left. He could only move forward/backward and if he wants to go right, he must get up and lift the car to move it. Well i figured, this lets him exercise even more because he also had to get up to go pick up the balls back & put them in the hole! This made him really busy for a long time! lastly, you have to really push the steering wheel part very hard "in" while setting up otherwise the balls don't go through the hole.

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