Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello Kitty BabySnuggle Lovey

Hello Kitty BabySnuggle LoveyThis is a definite must have snuggle blankie for any Hello Kitty baby out there. I bought one with a cute pink owl from Target when my little girl was a newborn and it was "ok." But then I saw this and just had to get it! It's REALLY great quality. It's thick and the stitching is perfect. I've gone over it and there really are no flaws at all with the lining or stitching of the fabric. And the ruffles are silky soft and my little girl loves biting on them. The rest of the blanket is soft and warm and perfect for when she snuggles at night. And the Hello Kitty head gets her excited and makes her laugh.

Fun tip I figured out (and probably not a big deal cause I'm sure others figured this out way before me) but if you pick it up by the head, and then drop it, it will land in the exact position you see pictured. My little girl gets a kick of it. She watches me pick it up making little noises as it goes up and up, and then when I drop it, it parachutes open and plops fully open with the Hello Kitty head looking up at her. My daughter will laugh and giggle sometimes for 5-10 minutes of playing this game! And when she sleeps she often cuddles this blanket as she turns to her side and snuggles her face right up to it. It's really worth every penny and I would have paid even more for it just to see how happy she is with it. She doesn't even play with the owl one anymore. She will bite on it once and a while when she is teething, but she doesn't play with it or snuggle it anymore, LOL :)

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