Wednesday, November 20, 2013

North American Bear Sleepyhead Cozy

North American Bear Sleepyhead Cozy, DinosaurThis adorable little pink bunny lovey was the very first thing I bought for my daughter...before she was born and before I even knew it was a girl. I fell in love with it when I saw it in a local baby boutique store and said to myself if it was a boy he would just have to have a pink bunny. I tucked it away and when my daughter was born I put it in her bassinet so it was always there when she slept. She moved on to a crib and the bunny came with. We always take it while traveling and she carries it around and rubs it gently on her face, she likes to play with the tag in her fingers as well as just running her fingers on it (it is so soft!!) when she is tired to comfort and soothe herself as she is falling asleep. I have checked on her at night after I put her to bed only to find her laying in her crib with her bunny draped over her head or face (not blocking her breathing in any way because it is so petite that I don't worry about that at all). I have also caught her sucking on the knot in the hat for soothing purposes. Needless to say even though I bought her first one of these at a boutique store I decided I needed to get a back up in the event that we ever lost the other one or it got ruined. The store didn't have them anymore so I went on a search for it and found it here. Now we have one safely tucked away for a rainy day. Oh another thing is that it is very washable. I have thrown hers in the wash a few times now and it is still just as soft and looks almost new still except the tag which has frayed and the writing on it has faded so it is unreadable but she likes it better that way anyways and the tag is super soft now too.

Wonderful little lovey.

My daughter is six months old and has consistently chosen the sleepy bear bunny to help her nod off as there are three different lovies in her bed. She puts the bunny across her chest and rubs her face with the ears. It is easy to wash and dry as I just put it in the dryer on low. I bought another for trips or if we lose the current bunny. I think it is hard to rate these items as all children choose there bedtime pal. However, it is small, not very thick, and has no choke hazards so I do not mind leaving it in the crib at night with the baby.

Buy North American Bear Sleepyhead Cozy Now

My son received this bunny at birth and was soon sleeping with it every night. He is now almost 4 years old and still sleeps with his bunny every night. We have misplaced several through the years, so I am grateful that Amazon keeps stock in these! It is a soft, well constructed lovey (we have lost a couple of hats, but ours get a LOT of love), and the perfect size to tote around.

Read Best Reviews of North American Bear Sleepyhead Cozy Here

My 3 month old daughter has this pink sleepyhead bunny cozy. It is adorable and soft and she loves to hold, chew, and rub it on her face. There are no small parts to worry about coming off and best of all, it goes in the washer and dryer and comes out looking new every time. Great product!

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***A TIP FOR NEW MOMMIES*** order 2 of the same one, have them monogrammed with your cell phone number, introduce them to your little one around 6mo, let them have one for about 2 weeks (keep the other in a safe place like top of the closet) then switch it out with the fresh one, this makes them both get "worn in" at the same rate. Your toddler may reject a completely fresh new lovie in the unfortunate even that one is lost (this comes from experience with my oldest of 3)

Now for my review, this whole line of cozies is so cute! Super soft, just the right size for little ones. My 3yr old has the pink bunny and my 2yr old has the blue hippo. They have held up nicely in the washer and stay soft. Colors will brighten up a bit with a long soak in oxy clean once then have been loved for a while. We've gotten rid of the bunnies hat, though...

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