Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bright Starts Click and Giggle Remote

Bright Starts Click and Giggle RemoteMy baby (8 months) is crazy about our tv remotes, so before disaster happened I got her this toy. It was the only toy remote I found that was rated as safe for such a young baby. She was about 7 months when I got it. Instantly became her favorite toy! It took her a little while to learn to push the buttons, but even before she enjoyed holding it and touching it. I think she likes the bright colors. She loves the rolling ball at the tip! Also, the songs are actually enjoyable. Even after almost two months of her playing with this daily I haven't gotten annoyed by the music and sounds (same cannot be said of other toys). All this at a super-affordable price... what's not to love?

Our baby still wants OUR fooling her. But it is a cute toy that can go in the diaper bag easily. Our baby does like making the "ball" spin. The "clip" for putting it on the car seat is worthless. The remote comes right off the clip.

Buy Bright Starts Click and Giggle Remote Now

The Fisher-Price remote was good in that it tells the child what's what with the button she is pushing--if she pushes the volume the voice says "volume up" or "volume down" but this doesn't nor does it tell the child the number when she pushes "1" "2" or "3". But this has better songs on it classics and a better "voice" not a squeaky one.

Read Best Reviews of Bright Starts Click and Giggle Remote Here

Had to find a toy remote to appease Grandson because he kept wanting ours. This was perfect, colorful & musical!!! He's had it for several months now and still loves to play with it.

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I marvel at how much my 2 year old plays with this. Even her 4 year old brother is fascinated by it. I think the kids think it has magical powers but I am just hoping that they are going to be really good at math, and they like numbers. The number 4 seems to be the best noise in their option, hahaha.

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