Sunday, August 3, 2014

Potty Elmo

Potty ElmoAfter some initial trouble getting it out of "store mode" and into "normal play mode" (we had to reinsert the plastic tab and pull it out again a couple of times), we have really had GREAT success with this toy! I have 27 month old twin girls. The first one trained herself at 23 months, and we have been working with the other one on and off since then. She is a HUGE Elmo fan, so when I saw this toy, I HAD to get it! We have had it a few days now, and I am happy to say that teaching Elmo to use the potty has taught my daughter to use the potty! I used this toy, along with a potty training book, and new Elmo Panties as a reward, and it really worked!

The only thing that is a bit tricky for my daughter is when Elmo asks for a drink, you have to trigger a button type thing in his mouth with the cup, and a lot of the time she missed it and I had to help her. But, that was minor. He is SO CUTE and so much fun!

My daughter is an Elmo fanatic and when we experienced resistance with potty training we thought "Potty Elmo" would do the trick. Unfortunately this doll was of little to no help in getting our daughter more interested in the potty, but I can certainly see why it would work with some children. This is how Elmo educates your child on using the potty: first he asks your child to give him a drink (you hear little gulping sounds as Elmo "drinks" from his cup), then he asks to be put on the potty. If your child waits, he asks a little more frantically ("Oh, oh, oh...Elmo has to go to the potty") If your child gets Elmo on the potty on time, he sings a cute little song about how he is learning to use the potty. If he doesn't make it in time, a little sound effect ensues and Elmo may declare "Whoops...oh well, accidents happen. Sorry". What's nice is Elmo doesn't always do the same thing. Sometimes, for example, he'll sit on the potty but he won't need to go. It makes it a little more realistic on what a child can expect during potty training. My daughter really enjoyed playing with Elmo and I do think it helped her understand the idea of potty training better, but she still remained obstinate about using the toilet. I do think every child is different, however, and if yours is showing a little interest in the potty, then Elmo just might do the trick in helping him or her along. And even if it doesn't work, you still get a cute doll out of it. My daughter is 5 and has been potty trained for a long time, but she still enjoys playing with her "Potty Elmo" from time to time. So in the end, all was not lost.

Best of luck!

Buy Potty Elmo Now

really helped my daughter want to learn how to go potty...with a 2 year old, anything elmo does they want to or will do...what a great way to emphasize potty training!

Read Best Reviews of Potty Elmo Here

For some reason I thought you could actually fill Elmo's sippy cup with water and he would 'pee' it out. This Elmo prentends only. He will ask for a drink when you press his hand, make drinking sounds, ask for more juice, and then tell you he has to potty. When you sit him on the potty he hums until his business is finished and a toilet flushing sounds. His underwear can be pulled up and down but do not come off entirely. My almost 2 year old loves him but still wil not sit on her potty. She knows when she has to go and will pull her diaper down when she does and even wipe herself with a baby wipe but forget sitting on the potty or the toilet. I don't know what scares her but seeing Elmo on his potty doesn't seem to help. She does like him and she'll play with him often but I still need to find some way to get her to sit on the potty.

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It took me a full year to potty train my daughter. She just would not go and sit on the potty. I tried a potty book, which had lots of rave reviews from other parents. My daughter loved when I read it to her, but nothing. A friend with 2 children recommended getting a potty doll. I found the Potty Elmo while doing a toy search on Amazon. I bought it since my daughter loves Elmo. I brought it home, and that night we practiced teaching Elmo to potty. Within one day my daughter was using the potty. No joke. It was worth the money.

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