On the upside, my son really seems to like them so far!We bought these blocks for my daughter when she was around 6 months old. She has (and still does at 9 months) love them. When she was more stationary she like looking at the different blocks and they provided good incentive for "tummy time." Now that she is much more mobile she bats them around the room, "rolls" them, knocks them over when stacked, and since they are squishy she can easily grab them out of her toy basket.
These are a great buy and would make a great gift for a baby.
Buy Happy Quartett Fabric Blocks Now
This was a Christmas gift for our son's first Christmas and I'm very happy with the quality of this toy. It comes in it's own carrying case making it easy to pick up the blocks, store them and travel with. The blocks themselves are wonderfully bright and squishy enough so baby can pick them up to chew on or throw around. Each one makes a different sound: jingly, crunchy, rattle and the best way to describe the other one is kind of a squeaky jingle! To me, a squeak is something you have to push in but this block just shakes up and down like the rest of them. Anyway, they're all cute and soothing sounds. Like the other reviewers said, these are great for stacking up and knocking them down. There's so much to do with these blocks, they entertain both of us for a long time!Baby (6mths.) began to enjoy right out of the delivery box. Love that the blocks are soft enough to be batted around. Great colors, textures, and sounds. So far baby loves to shake them and chew on them. Laughter ensues after mom and dad stack them and baby knocks them over. Will definitely be loved for quite some time.
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