Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Taggies Tag n' Smile Plushie Mirror

Taggies Tag n' Smile Plushie MirrorFirst of all, FYI: this mirror is a distorting mirror. This feature used be my big concern, but after I did a lot of scientifical research about the baby`s reaction to a real mirror when compare to a distorting mirror, the research result is that: no significate difference!!!(they r both good), Moreover, scientists also recommend not use breakable mirror, which made by glass, for a baby. That`s why I finally settle down with distorting mirror which usually made by plastic and its more safe for a baby.

ok, next, I will address why I strongly recommend this product as following reasons:

1, first time when I saw it in TARGET supermarket, I found it is made by very good material and well designed, with vivid animal and colorful decorationCIt touched very soft and the stitchwork details are very delicate.

2, and when I further check this mirror, I found it`s not only a mirror , but also with some function, for expample, the green color whale can make a cute sound when you squeeze it(and some more you will find out :P ).

3.altough its a distorting mirror and made by plastic, the image looks very good , I can see my face clearly in this mirror.

4, This mirror PLAY MAGIC!! ----I placed it beside my baby`s changing pad and my baby noticed it very soon ( my baby was only 10weeks then ), he used to be fuzzy when he was changed diaper but since the day he notice this mirrior, he never cry at all when I change the diaper, but instead, he always talks to the mirror and smile too!

5, Recently, my baby reach his 4 months and very like to reach out his hand and catch the red little seahorse which attached to the mirror. my baby really LOVE it, (plz check my shared pictures)

6, and after I reviewed other people`s review here, I found this mirrow may also good for my baby`s tummy time, so I purchased one more and tested it. The result is that, this mirror PLAY MAGIC AGAIN!

my baby used to cry or fuzzy when in tummy time(could not bare even 30 second), but now, this mirror can help him to enjoy the tummy time as long as 10 minutes.

7, last but not lest, this mirror can stand very sturdy with a triangle wide open design.

I feel very happy and appreciated the person who design this mirror. Thank you !

We wanted a safe mirror for our little one to play with (5 months). This fits the bill perfectly. There are a few things that might be minor annoyances, but are good for him.

1st pro/con: it folds flat/it collapses! This totally depends on your point of view! Those medium blue colored triangles are simply flaps of fabric. This is great for storage, but... I honestly thought it might be a pillow wedge thing, and it isn't. There isn't anything interesting on the second side either. (and there is no third side of the triangle. And yes, I recognize that the flaps are technically two additional sides... just go with it!)

2nd pro/con: it has taggies! Each of my children has LOVED tags on their toys. Steiff? Tag in ear? nom nom nom! Cheap plush with tag? nom nom nom! Random shirt from the laundry with tag? NOM NOM! So I knew that the Taggies concept would likely be tag overload, but in a good way. However...

I noticed it 8 years ago, and it's true for all the subsequent children, too. No matter how many tags, they will ALWAYS go for the product tag. The one that is a little different, that isn't the ribbon. It usually has the washing instructions on it. That tag gets the most chewing.

3rd pro/con! It's lightweight! So, my 5 month old can manipulate the whole thing. And my 5 month old can easily knock it over and lose interest. This kinda cycles back to the fold flat thing. A casual swipe and it's folded flat. Out of sight out of... SQUIRREL!

Finally: the "seahorse" on the left of the mirror has the crunchy sound. The fish on the top right has a quiet rattler in it. The green whale at the bottom right has a squeaker that my 5 month old cannot manipulate in it. But hey, it gives me something to do.

Buy Taggies Tag n' Smile Plushie Mirror Now

This mirror is easy setup and remains set-up. I use it for tummy time for my grandson who usually dislikes tummy time, but the mirror is a big help in keeping him happy. It is colorful and the taggies are a bonus as he tries to reach for them.

Read Best Reviews of Taggies Tag n' Smile Plushie Mirror Here

The Mirror reflection is not the greatest quality, but its big and it sits up sturdy and my 4 month old definitely likes tummy time a lot better now.

Want Taggies Tag n' Smile Plushie Mirror Discount?

This is terrible! The mirror is all distorted and reminds me of a circus fun house mirror. I would send it back but the box is already gone.

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