Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake

Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday CakeMy daughter received this as a gift for her 2nd birthday. I think that is the perfect age for this toy, although my older kids (3, 5, and 8) have all had some fun with it, too! My two-year old does need some help blowing out the candles sometimes, but she absolutely loves this little cake! She is at the age where she just loves singing the birthday song, so this present was a great choice for her!

What I like:

1. You press the button and each time you do, a candle lights up. So, you can light just one candle, or two, or all five...it's up to you. When you have the number of candles lit that you want, just wait a second and if you don't press the button again, the bday song will start. My two year old likes to press it until all 5 candles are lit (even though she is 2!), and she counts out loud along with the little voice coming from the cake.

2. It's cool that while the song is playing, you can press the buttons to hear cool sounds and fun melodic variations thrown in. I love that if my daughter starts pushing buttons during the song, it just adds to the fun of the song, but finishes! I get so tired of toys where a push of a button stops something right in the middle to go on to something else! Little kids love pushing buttons over and over, so I think whoever designed this, did it RIGHT! Thank you!

3. The best thing about the cake is that you can actually "blow out" the candles (via a little grouping of holes in the middle of the cake). And the cake says "Yay!!" after you do, which my kids love and join in on.

4. It has a volume adjustment. (Parents always LOVE to be able to control the volume a bit!)

5. It is little! I love that it is little, which means my 2-year old can pack it around easily and it doesn't take up much room on a shelf.

What I'd like better:

1. The birthday song is instrumental and it is just plain too fast for its target audience (approx. 1-4 yr. olds) to keep up with as they try to sing along. When we sing for birthdays at our house, we always slow down/pause slightly after saying the name, before singing the final "Happy birthday to you." (Most people I know do the same thing.) In the instrumental melody the cake plays, not only is it too fast all the way through, but it doesn't slow down or pause at all at that point in the song. I wish it did and I think it'd be better if the whole song was slowed down a bit. The little ones would be able to sing along with it better.

2. I actually like that there is an instrumental version of the bday song, but I think the toy would be better if there was also an option to have the bday song with KIDS singing. Of course, they wouldn't be able to sing a name, but they could hum in that spot, then finish the song. I say KIDS, because my children (and I think most are the same) much prefer their music and musical toys that have kids voices singing over the ones that have grown-ups voices doing the singing. Plus, I think with kids singing, the song would've been recorded at a more appropriate speed for little ones to sing along with.

3. To me it's a little odd that the "cake" is blue. (I know, it could be blue frosting!) This is not really important and I know kids couldn't care less, but just to me personally, I'd have liked it better if the cake was yellow.

Overall though, I think this is a very cool, fun little toy.

I found this toy and wanted to get it for my son's 1st birthday. It arrived just in time and we had a lot of fun preparing him for all the singing at his party (which, in our family, kids tend to cry at big groups singing to them). He loved pushing the balloon and star buttons to "count" to 5, play more songs, hear quirky sounds, and he even started to understand that he can "blow out" the candles (a very cool/fun feature)! The concept is very cute, it teaches children to count and understand what they can expect at their birthday party. The candles actually "glow" with the lights flickering. Also, the flames are coated with a rubberized material ...my son wanted to chew them a bit, but it's very durable. Speaking of durability, he pushed this toy off of our dining table multiple times and the thing keeps on going! I highly recommend this toy for multiple reasons and want to add that, just like my subject line, it's NOT just for birthdays! I think he will enjoy playing with it for years to come. I think I might put it away in a few months so we can bring it back out prior to his 2nd birthday next June so he can build up the fun and excitement all over again!

Buy Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake Now

Even my 6 and 5 year old love this toy. I bought this for my 1 yr old's first birthday and I can't keep my older boys from playing with it! Even adults find themselves entertained with blowing out the candles. The only problem it does take a pretty good force to blow out the candles, a feat my 1 yr old has yet to accomplish. A great toy nonetheless!

Read Best Reviews of Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake Here

I purchased this item as a gift for a child in my daycare . The minute I saw it I new she had to have it.

Small children are fasinated by candles & the excitement of blowing them out & of course love to sing the birthday song.

I wish the song wasn't music only it would have been nice to have vocals on it to encourage singing more.

Overall great product works well & durable :)

Want Leapfrog Counting Candles Birthday Cake Discount?

I don't leave reviews often but this one is worth a little of my time! I was searching other things on Amazon when this adorable Leapfrog Birthday Cake toy popped up! I'd never seen it before and once I read the description and reviews, I immediately bought it. And I'm so glad I did! As my title states, someone was using their brain when they designed this toy for a baby/toddler! Not only is it cute and unique but the educational value and functionality is great! My daughter just turned 13 months and I think, this is the best money spent on a toy so far! And for $15it's a STEAL!

Children my daughter's age and younger like to press buttons. We have other toys, many Leapfrog, with the star button and others. Often, when they press the buttons, it interupts and re-starts whatever it's doing. This one actually encourages pressing the buttons during the song! It's fun to watch my daughter light up the candles, and as she does so, the nice voice (some are annoying) speaks loudly, clearly, and at a pace to learn counting! It does more than we've played with yet (which is even cooler) but just the basic functionlighting the candles, singing the song, and blowing out the candles it super funI enjoy playing with this toy along with my daughter!

Her eyes light up when the candles do. She listens to the counting. She dances to the song. She likes to press the buttons...and she actually started trying to blow out the candles for the first time yesterday! She'd been watching me blow out the candles and my husband and I were just thrilled to watch her actually try (she doesn't understand yet that she needs to get closer to blow them out).

I would buy this again if it breaks or if I have another baby down the road. Great birthday gift too! ENJOY!!!

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