The Fisher-Price Learning Music Player is one of my daughter's favorite toys. Her grandparents bought it for her first birthday and two months later she still loves it. She carries it around the house and dances to the music. There are so many great things about this toy:
+ Good Songs: Not only does *she* like them, but they are comparatively good for a children's toy. There are enough of them that the repetition isn't overly grating.
+ Lightweight: My daughter is easily able to carry this toy around with her, whether walking (unsteadily) or crawling.
+ Baby Friendly Design: The handles make the toy easy for her to carry. The buttons easily allow her to skip songs and/or to repeat her favorites. (The handles also make it easy to attach it high chairs/play pens/car seats if you have plastic ring links, which can usually be found in the baby section of most department stores.)
+ Durable: In two months it has withstood a tremendous amount of toddler abuse (i.e. flinging, banging, chewing).
+ Off Button: This toy comes with a recessed "on/off" switch on the back that tiny fingers can't manipulate. (Which is why this is one of the few toys that we haven't removed the batteries from.)
+ Entertaining: This toy distracts her when she is cranky and entertains her in boring situations (i.e. car rides). It really is developmentally appropriate for young toddlers; it holds her attention so much longer than similar electronic baby toys.
I really cannot recommend this toy enough. I'm not a huge fan of plastic/blinking/noise making toys, but this is one that my daughter really enjoys. The Fisher-Price Learning Music Player is one of the few toys that I'll actually search the house for when it has been misplaced.

This is simply the very best 1st toy for a baby, PERIOD. If it seems a bit expensive, believe me it's worth every penny in happiness and satisfaction for a little one! If you only have a limited amount of money to spend on toys for your baby, please get this toy. It's so much learning and fun in one package and is lasting enjoyment for YEARS whereas other toys are limited in scope and don't entertain or last even half this long!
I bought this for my great grandson when he was first born and played it for him. He's played with it continuously since then...it was always the favorite take-a-long toy when going places in the car. He likes it in his bed and takes it all over the house. He's 20 months now and it's still one of his favorite toys. He bounces with the music and tries to sing along with it. He has some favorites...Row Row Row your Boat and the ABC song. When very small, baby can press the big button easily to play it and later they can press the smaller buttons and change the sequence of the songs...play them over and over, etc.
We call it his "radio". We wanted to find a wind-up Fisher-Price radio like the ones we bought our daughters when they were little, but couldn't find any. Instead we found this and weren't sure whether it would be as good, but it's been GREAT! It is VERY durable, having been thrown on tile floors and out of the crib numerous times, but has never failed to play. It goes a long time on a set of batteries too, which is nice. Also like the volume control for when he goes to bed and wants to play it...it doesn't have to be so loud.
Finally, with kids, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, the very best toys with the most lasting enjoyment have always been FISHER PRICE toys!
Buy Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Music Player Now
Both my 3 yo and my 11 mo old love this toy. I think I got it for them when my youngest was about 4 months. My 3 yo sings all the songs. My 11 month old grabs the handles and runs around with a big grin on his face as the music plays. This is a great musical toy!
Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Music Player Here
I gave this to my nephew for Christmas and he loves it! I thought his parents might think it was too noisy, but they are happy with it, and said it is great for a toy to take with him since it is so entertaining but small and easily portable with no parts to lose.
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We bought this for our daughter who always wanted to play with mommy and daddy's ipods. It worked for the most part and our daughter loved to dance along to the 9 short tunes preloaded on it. Unfortunately, it recently broke and even after daddy took it appart and tried to repair it there was not apparent break. So it's fine when it works, but that's not for long. I'd say it's worth about $10 but not really $20.